You Are Sitting in a Car on a Hill – Let Go of the Brakes! (1 of 3)

You Are Sitting in a Car on a Hill – Let Go of the Brakes! (1 of 3)

I’d like to open your mind up to a centuries-old concept that has begun to spread like wildfire in the western world.

Has it become so interesting to people because they are looking for a lazy way to be productive? I’m not sure of each person’s motives, but I’d like to think that we are defining a productive way to relax. Another way to think of it would be a relaxing way to be productive.

The concept is commonly known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Subliminal Messaging, Brainwave Entrainment, or Self Hypnosis. In simple terms, it is us training our mind (usually the subconscious part), with the help of programming tools, so that our mind pays attention to, and works hard for, a specific goal. For example, if I want to manifest more money into my life, I would use one of these tools to train the subconscious part of my mind to work hard for that goal.

Suppose in my youth I learned incorrectly that money was bad, that people who had money were greedy, that money was evil, or worse, that I wasn’t deserving of large amounts of money. That would mean that at that time my mind connected my meaning of money to one of those incorrect understandings. That understanding would then be a core part of my belief system. My entire body would BELIEVE and hold on to the notion that money is bad, and if I get it, I need to get rid of it. Money might come my way, but I would end up caring for it in all of the wrong ways and end up struggling to pay the bills each month.

Because we are all in control of our lives, we get to CHANGE our incorrect programming and create new and correct belief systems with money! Remove the mental money blockages, and money will flow to you like you have never seen before! This is really true, and it’s easy to do.

How do I change my negative money beliefs?!!!!

Take any one of these programming tools and use it for 15 minutes a day! That’s it! Consistency is key, though. You MUST do it every day!

There are MANY out there to chose from, and while I stand completely by what we have created, I suggest at least picking one that you trust. The programs that we have created involve braking down negative beliefs and blockages and then building back up with the correct belief system that creates results.

While you’re driving to work or have a few minutes at home, pick your favorite program, pop in the CD, and watch that part of your life change. I have watched how women shed unwanted weight by changing the belief that they don’t deserve to look beautiful. I have seen relationships mend and have seen families earn an extra $100,000.00 in a year, so I know that this is possible!

For my final thought, picture in your mind that you are sitting in a car on a hill, facing downhill. Like the gravity pulling on a car, you are actually being pulled to your millions! Yes, God/The Universe really WANTS you to have it! You know that because you are living in a time and place where you can have it just as much as the person next to you IF you do what it takes to earn it. The only thing that is KEEPING you from getting to the money you already deserve is YOU. You are holding on to the brakes because of fear! The second you release the brakes, you will FLY to your millions, and it will happen so fast that it will frustrate you that you didn’t do that sooner. No one can be more in control of your life than you. Make the decision to let go of the brakes, and allow your life to change. You deserve every bit of it.