Grief Verses Willpower

Grief Verses Willpower

Through sheer force of will and human spirit you can breathe life in to impossible dreams – like happiness again. Even after horrendous grief after seemingly impossible circumstances your outright willpower can not only makes impossible possible but accessible and reachable. Although at the time it may appear unreasonable change creates opportunity.

“I am responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.” ~Walter Anderson

Crossing A New Finish Line

Sometimes to cross the grief healing finish line you need to rely on your entire will to do so. Willpower is that inner fire that gets you past the finish line, past the naysayers, challenges and unhappiness. Your will is your secret weapon. No one can take it away nor can they give it to you. Circumstances cannot take it away. Even though your candle of will power may be dim because of the happenings in your life use it. It can shine brighter in your life than you think.

The Power Of Willpower

Through the mirror of your willpower shines an untapped empowerment. It all comes down to drive which can strongly urge and propel you to step out beyond what you think is possible and triumph over your grieving circumstance. Perhaps your awful grief has caused you take one step forward and five steps back. Have confidence that for each circumstance of life there is a willpower within you for every condition, often not sourced until needed.

“Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can. If they see you are afraid of them, they are liable to spring upon you; but if you look them squarely in the eye, they will slink out of sight.” ~ Orison Swett Marden

Getting Past Challenges

There are many thoughts that you can have to keep you going. During my time of grief my thoughts were I have a wife who depends on me. I have a family that I certainly don’t want to leave. As I held on to those thoughts mentally it was surprising and perhaps a little amazing how I began to stop grieving and start healing. Think about ways to be happy. Here’s and idea to help you: Decide that six times a day you will use your willpower to have happy thoughts and ideas to find peace. Do the arithmetic (6 X 365 days over 12 months = 2,190 happy thoughts). Do you think happy positive things could happen? If 6 times a day is too hard for you, try 2 times a day thinking about how to find happiness. That is still be 730 happy efforts over 12 months. Something happy can result.

Long-Desired Rewards

Perhaps you have experienced grief beyond your most vivid imagination. You have felt torn apart, disheartened and hopeless. How to bring back happiness appears impossible. After all you can’t have your old life back the way it was. What to do and how to do it? There is no magic formula. Nevertheless, where there is a willpower there’s a way. You manage by employing your secret weapon: willpower, the ability to exercise self-control and withstand the challenges that come with your grief.

Your grief circumstance has caused you take a brief hiatus from many pleasures of life. This interruption has given you time to light your flame of willpower and find happiness. It is not easy but possible through the sheer power of your will. Have faith in yourself to gain the reward of happiness again. You can.