Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism

Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism

As fundamentalism in Christianity starts to grow stronger and stronger, there is even a greater desire to rescue the Bible from those who seek to destroy it. It’s hard to imagine, that there are so many Christians out there absorbing Christianity without seeking the truth.

If we think about the word fundamentalism or fundamentalist, it seems to create an illusion in our minds of the basics or foundation of something. In other words, a fundamentalist Christian, is someone who should understand the basic foundation of Christianity.

This isn’t the case most of the time. Christians who consider themselves to be fundamentalists, often don’t understand basic Christianity, early Christianity or the creation of the religion that they hold so dear to their hearts.

These people often quote out of the Bible at will and sling these quotes around like machine-gun fire, coming out of their mouths, like an automatic weapon. These Bible verses can sometimes cause a lot of harm and suffering, just like a machine gun. Most of the time, fundamentalist are simply repeating words, Bible phrases in Scripture, that they have heard from others who often sound intelligent, but most of the time this isn’t the case.

There’s only one way that were going to be able to rescue the Bible from the fundamentalist who believe in Christianity, and were going to need to educate them at every opportunity that we have.

If they’re using Bible verses that produce hatred, we need to show them the correct Bible verses that shower others with love and compassion. As they talk, it’s your job to correct.