The Fastest Growing Religion In The World

The Fastest Growing Religion In The World

For 2050, the predictions are that robots will be doing all the work; even they will drive cars as well. And if this forecast stands true then many of those robot controlled cars would stop and park at masjids and churches.

It is estimated that Islam and Christianity would be the two religions which would have the highest population. Islam will become the fastest growing faith with the population of 2.76 billion by 2050. This would be the one-third of world’s total projected population from almost nine billion people.

Christianity would also grow but not at the same rate as of Islam. Therefore, Muslims are projected to nearly match Christians in both number and share of the global population. Christians would comprise of only thirty-one percent of the world’s population. In the past decade the population has increased to one hundred and thirty-seven percent and out of that Christianity has increased with just forty-six percent, while Islam has increased with two-hundred and thirty-five percent. According to sources it has been found that 100,000 people per year in America only, have converted to Islam.

This means that six out of every ten people will be Muslims or Christians by 2050 and this would happen first time in history that these both religions will grow at an equal number.

These projections are based on the age of populations, migration, fertility, conversion patterns and mortality rates. One can simply put it this way that Muslims are having bigger families with more members while transformations are prohibited in some Muslim countries and they are younger than believers of other religions. More than 1 in 3 Muslims is younger than 15. This aspect connects with Muslim women having an average of three children, the highest figure of any religious group. In the future, if education and employment proportions grow, then those numbers could change.

Some of the related forecasts for 2050 are that Muslims will exceed Jews and would become the largest non-Christian religion in the U.S. India will be having the largest Muslim population in the world, passing Indonesia, but Hindus will hold the supremacy. More than ten percent of Europeans will be Muslim, while the figures of Christians in Europe will descent by hundred million. In the upcoming years it is projected that one hundred and six million people would leave Christianity. The total countries with Christian majorities will drop to one hundred and fifty-one, from countries like Australia, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Macedonia, Benin, the Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nigeria, New Zealand, France and the Netherlands. Muslims are likely to make up more than fifty percent of the population in fifty-one countries.