How to Install an In-Ground Basketball Hoop

How to Install an In-Ground Basketball Hoop

“Champions play as they practice. Create a consistency of excellence in all your habits.”

– Mike Krzyzewski

It requires hours of daily practice sessions to bring consistency of excellence in your performance. Practice is a virtue which needs to be incorporated from the time you develop interest in a game.

In words of Charles Barkley, “The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not.”

The best option thus is to have your own basketball hoop where you and your children can practice for hours ensuring that every shot of yours ends up as a good shot.

Having a basketball hoop in your backyard means you can go anytime and can shoot some baskets to relieve your stress, and stay fit and healthy. If you have a kid who develops interest in basketball, it will help you in shaping his career in this sport.

Installing an in-ground basketball system is not rocket science. However, the whole process takes some good amount of time and labor. Check out the following steps to get your own in-ground basketball goal installed at your home:

Arrange the Basic Supplies

Before you start the process of installation, arrange the basic supplies that include 850 pounds of dry concrete mix, level, shovel, wheel barrow, tape measure, large Phillips or flathead screwdriver (according to instructions), step ladder, wrench (size according to instructions), water, and marker.

Choose the Site

The next step is to select the appropriate site for your personal basketball goal. It should preferably be a flat cemented surface to avoid tumbling while playing. You can consider your backyard, a part of garden, vacant area around garage, or patio for the site.

Process of Installation

Dig a hole which is 36-48 inches deep and has a circumference of 18 inches. The depth depends on the position of frost line for your area. Place the bottom part of the pole in the hole and keep it straight (90 degrees to the ground). Take the help of friends and family to keep the post erect while you are working at the bottom of the pole.

Add gravel to the bottom of the hole to a level of 6 inches. Put a foot or two of dirt and tamp it down. When you are sure that the pole is precisely placed 90 degrees to the ground and is plumb, start adding concrete. Go for some extra inches with your concrete, if your basketball system is for heavy use.

Do not fill the complete hole with concrete as it will make it very difficult for you to remove the pole sometime in the future. You should also leave a dome of concrete at the base of the pole to prevent accumulation of water and rusting of bottom of the pole.

Allow the concrete to set for about 24-48 hours. Then, place the latter part of the pole over the base fastened into the ground. Bolt together, fix the basketball backboard and hoop, and get ready for hours of fun and excitement.