Thought, Christ and the Law of Attraction

Thought, Christ and the Law of Attraction

You Are What You Think About

As Christ explained to us, “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you.” This is not a promise of help but an explanation of how your world comes to be. You have received what you asked for. You have found what you sought. And, what was opened for you was the door that you knocked on.

When you dig deeply, you will see that this is true.

Being is closely related to believing. And, do yourself a favor and find a way to believe in whatever good you desire, right now. If you are believing “some day I will….” then it will always be in the future and never be in the now. This belief is akin to asking.

Christ said, “Ask and you shall receive” and when we read the story of his miracles and healing, He never healed some one tomorrow but always in the instant they asked or in the instant that they believed. Remember the lame man who knew that if he could just touch Christ’s garment he would be healed? Indeed, he was healed as soon as he reached the hem of the garment. He didn’t even ask. “Everything is possible for him who believes” said Jesus another time.

If you are limited in your wealth right now, this is who you are being. This is who you believe that you are. Change your beliefs and you will change your circumstances. You are what you think about. Focus on how you always got what you needed. Take that certainty, and develop a new feeling that matches your desired outcome. This will move you to another reality that will match what you desire rather than your present accidental circumstance.

Desire is a Gift to Move Us to Be More

You know that feeling of just getting by? Does it feel good, or not? You know that thought, “There has to be more to life than this.” Is that a good feeling or not? These are thoughts we might have as we begin to expand our desires.

Belief in lack doesn’t serve us well, but belief in more does. Does that make sense? Let’s look at it a little further.

When you believe that the world’s wealth is limited, you will worry when some one or some country is getting more. Worry will cause more things to worry about to come into your life. You see? Thoughts coming from limitation or lack don’t serve you well.

On the other hand, if you believe that the world’s wealth is unlimited, then you will always be free to seek more without any worry that you are taking from someone else. When I think of natural resources, I have a hard time with abundance, but when I think of wealth as generated by new ideas or new inventions, then I can more easily see that it is not limited.

For example, when Apple and Microsoft were begun, there was no market for personal computers. They created their market without taking from any other market. People still bought wicker lawn furniture and TV’s. They continued to put gas in their cars. They just added PC’s to their list of desires. And look at how that industry spawned numerous other internet industries such as search engines (Google) and internet banking and internet buying and trading and internet information (Mindbridge-LOA).

The Universe is continually expanding and Source wants you to be a part of it. Don’t hold back. Desire more and let your intuition guide you to an expanded life. Think about that. Become that person. This is the reason we were given the instructions, “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you.”