My Pillow Pets Monkey Review

My Pillow Pets Monkey Review

Stuffed animals have been a very popular gift idea for a number of years now, so when slight changes are made to the traditional stuffed animal style, that product has a chance to be a great seller. My Pillow Pets were able to have a lot of success because they had the traditional stuffed animal charm that includes a good looking product, as well as a soft and cuddly product. But they were also able to add new twists like the ability to have a pillow and stuffed animal in one product. This thinking has made them very popular, with one of their best selling items being the My Pillow Pets Monkey, sometimes referred to as the My Pillow Pets Silly Monkey.

For people that like good looking stuffed animals, this one will probably be one of your favorites than. This cute four legged monkey has an all brown body, a big lighter colored face that has a huge smile, and those important features such as a little tail and cute ears. This product stays very popular just because it looks so good.

Another major bonus to deciding on this item is the great choices you have. For example, you can pick from the two major choices most people decide on which are the My Pillow Pets Monkey 18″ version and the My Pillow Pets Monkey 11″ version. Both of them are identical in looks, except for the 11″ version is smaller, and costs a little less. Parents can look over both options and pick the size that is most appropriate for their child very easily. They are also made from the same soft plush material, making it a good decision to decide on either one.

The other two fun items that come in the monkey form from this company would be the My Pillow Pets Monkey Backpack, and the Monkey Blanket. Both of these items can be bough individually, or they can be purchased in collaboration with the actual stuffed animal. One thing is for certain, all of these items are very popular, kids enjoy them, and parents think they make a great gift.

The last few details you should know include that these items are recommend for children ages three and up, they are machine washable, they are a very durable product, and they are very reasonably priced. Kids may love these pets because of the way you can use them and because of the way they look, but parents really love these pets because of all of the reasons listed above. So if you are looking for those perfect gift ideas, this is a great place to start.