If There Is No Heaven, Then What Happened to Jesus Christ?

If There Is No Heaven, Then What Happened to Jesus Christ?

This is a figure of fiction put up by the second beast of Revelation, who is also identified as 666 in chapter 13:12-18. This will not go down well with those who believe in him but there is absolutely no evidence outside of the New Testament to support it. That book was ordered by the Vatican who commissioned me to produce it. He is called the ‘doctor’ of the church because he also gave it its format, based on the Islamic religion of Rome.

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe, the only real God (Isaiah 45:4-8) it commissioned me to tear down the wall of blindness and bring in the harvest. To do that it took me to Babylon and to the start of the Islamic religion of that city to understand how and why heaven has become a focus of the majority of the world and to know the substance of the wall.

Reincarnation is fact and everyone who has lived is back as shown by the huge spike in population. They are now being judged and that involves their activities over many life-times and whether or not they are spiritual. The people of God are called the children of Israel and they were seeded with spirit at the start of the day of the lord and those who have remained loyal to it are now receiving their inheritance. That day is roughly 4,000 years long and we are at the end of it.

The image of Jesus Christ and belief in heaven and hell are part of the wall of blindness meant to the Spirit until this time (Isaiah 29:10-12). Only those with the Spirit within are coming away from religions and gathering ready for the harvest. There never was a Son of God but a stumbling block that has caught out the majority of those who fell for it (Isaiah 8:14,13:12).