The Alliance WoW Grind – Tips For Leveling Up Your Alliance Characters

The Alliance WoW Grind – Tips For Leveling Up Your Alliance Characters

Some players really hate the WoW grind. It can be very monotonous and lead to frustration and boredom in some players. There are a few who love to and have no problem with sitting in a camp for hours on end, killing mobs for experience and wealth. If you do not fall into this group, then you are not alone. In order to get the most out of your game time, learn the most efficient ways to WoW grind. That way, you can earn more in less time and enjoy the more interactive aspects of World of Warcraft.

The Low Levels

This may sound like common sense, but if you plan to at lower levels make sure you are capable of handling the mobs you plan to hunt. Level can be a very limiting factor, making some zones impossible to explore. Start with mobs you can kill relatively easily. Always WoW grind on mobs that you can kill quickly without risk of death. Just make sure your chosen mob is the highest level you can handle to maximize experience return.

Some players prefer to mix the WoW grind with questing. This might be a good idea as you begin so you can learn more about playing your class in different situations as well as learn the zone. This presents a well roundedway to experience game content while getting the most experience you can possibly manage.

The High Levels

Many of the same principals can be applied to the higher levels. However, you may find you have more available to you as your level goes up. Start by learning which instances will give your high level character the most experience in the shortest time. When you reach the lower 70s, Utgarde Keep in Howling Fjord and the Nexus in Boldarra are excellent choices for a good balance of experience and speedy kills.

As you near the mid 70s, head to Drak’Tharon Keep in Grizzly Hills. WoW grind through the high 70s in the Halls of Stone in Storm Peak, or Utgarde Pinnacle in Howling Fjord. These locations offer good camp sites for fast killing and high experience earning. Consider moving from one camp to the other periodically to break up the monotony.

Before you head out, you will most likely need to gather a group. When you with friends, the time goes by faster and you are less likely to die. Plus, these instances often require a group for success. Also check your equipment quality and make sure you have upgraded as you level. Poor equipment can severely damage your chances for survival while you WoW grind. These tips can help tremendously as you experience the game content and learn the best methods that work for you. Plus, when you WoW grind you get the opportunity to experiment with new skills and see what your class is capable of.