Mater Videt Omnia

Mater Videt Omnia

What kind of world do we live in today?

Where so many have lost their way

To idolize celebrities and denounce saints

For not being ‘on point’1 or ‘fleek’2

Surely, Mary Mother of God would be

At the top of everyone’s list, a role model for every

Generation – betrothed to Joseph, bore the world a King -conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit 3

How many Kardashians can say they have done the same? 4

Yet, in modern times, Mary is forgotten -discarded while others are revered

Still, she waits stoically -compassionately — to be once again embraced by

The lost flock of the world, who have been led astray by the distractions of man.

In a world of instant gratification -amidst times of uncertainty.

Where once archangels such as Gabriel sought her out

Now, there is but silence… a lack of faith… heathens abound

Has she not continued to “pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death”?5

… and how is it that she has been honored recently? With loyalty?

Or have the masses simply turned a blind eye forgetting what Matthew 10:16 had taught.

Many may have forgotten the Holy Mother, but it is guaranteed that she has not forgotten any of you.

1 – “extremely good, attractive, or stylish.”

2 – also meaning “extremely good, attractive, or stylish.”

3 – Luke 1:26-38 and Matthew 1:18-25

4 – yeezus/index.HTML

5 –

I hope that everyone enjoyed this poem. I tired to mix traditional Catholicism with contemporary pop culture in order to for the work to relate with a younger crowd. I am not sure how well received it will be by those younger readers, but I am hopeful that they will understand where I am coming from. The older readers who happen across this poem will have a few footnotes that they can follow since there is some language that many readers may not be accustomed to. Also, I did my best to make sure that I put footnotes where they were warranted and there are also links to primary research material so that any interested parties who want to learn more about what I am writing about can simply follow those links. Have a great day everyone and happy writing!