Weakness and Vulnerability and Fragile Clay Jars Cannot Be Pictures of Strength – Yes They Are!

Weakness and Vulnerability and Fragile Clay Jars Cannot Be Pictures of Strength – Yes They Are!

It is an amazing paradox but it just happens to be true that in some important areas of our lives when we are weak then we can be strong. Are you so very aware of certain areas where you sense that you are very vulnerable and weak and yet it can be in these very areas where the strength of God is most manifest?

Serving when it appears inconvenient to serve is similar. Have never felt that you are called to serve in certain way and at certain time and it is just highly inconvenient, and yet, that is the very situation in which God chooses to use you.

This hero of mine, Paul, knew all about this, and he writes about it. When he felt weak that is when the power of the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ would flow through him and the anointing of the Holy Spirit would be upon him. We read all about these scenarios in the book Acts and in several of his letters in the New Testament scriptures.

Consider how Jesus Christ appeared so weak and so vulnerable and almost defeated on the cross and yet God the Father raised him from the dead and the same risen living and ascended Lord Jesus Christ is changing and transforming the lives of men and women today.

There are people who are being called upon to confront sin, and they should be encouraged by the words of Paul.

Now, of course, sin is a word that has almost gone out of fashion and in many circles it is never spoken about. Today, people tend to regard sin as a fault or a failing or a flaw in one’s character. It may be that and it may be sin.

To be weak in Christ is something that only the disciple of Jesus can fully understand. It involves surrendering your rights and that can appear as a sign of weakness to the world.

But, is it not in surrendering our rights and surrendering what we may not want to surrender that the supernatural strength of God is revealed through the power of the Holy Spirit, and when that occurs there be an influence far greater that we could ever have anticipated?

There are people who rightly pray that in those times, when they sense that they are unable or incapable or vulnerable, they pray for the strength of God to be manifest and that happens so frequently. Many can testify to this reality.

Paul described our frailty and vulnerability as being like a fragile jar of clay but these are the instruments God uses. When Jesus Christ humbled himself God the Father exalted him and he emerged victorious and triumphant.

Have ever noticed that at the end of each of the seven letters which Jesus sent to the Churches the reward is given to him who overcomes? Be an overcomer. There is a challenge for each of us!