Combinations Proclaiming the Birth of an Exceptionally Beautiful Woman in Taurus Ascendant

Combinations Proclaiming the Birth of an Exceptionally Beautiful Woman in Taurus Ascendant

The zodiac sign of Taurus is blessed by the charm of Venus, the ruler of beauty or any industry where physical beauty is in the focus.

If there is the Moon is in the first house of Taurus ascendant, exchanging position with Venus in the third house, the girl will be exceptionally beautiful. If this Venus is aspected by Jupiter from the eleventh house, and all the three planets are unblemished, such a girl shall be one among the thousands.

Presence of the Moon in the third house of Cancer-in its own sign-for Taurus ascendant, aspected by the Sun and Mercury in the ninth house having the sign of Capricorn, and Venus posited in the eleventh house, in Pisces, its exaltation; this placement of planets has the power to make a Cinderella out of an ordinary girl, the one who can rise from rags to riches. If this combination is also being aspected by Jupiter placed in the seventh house thus aspecting the ascendant, the full Moon posited in its own house, and Venus in exaltation in the eleventh in the house of Pisces; this woman shall as beautiful as Nefertiti, and a man equivalent to an emperor will wed her, and she will rule the all she surveys.

The reason for this quite simple: the full Moon, lord of the third house, is in its own house, receiving the full aspect of the Sun and Mercury. This Moon is being aspected by Jupiter sitting in its friend’s (Mars) house. Jupiter is further aspecting its own eleventh house and the ascendant lord Venus in its exaltation, thus lending tremendous strength to the Moon and Venus.

Similarly if Mercury, Venus and the Sun, all three, are in the eleventh house, and Mercury and Venus are not combust-this placement will cancel the fall of Mercury in Pisces because Mercury is being aspected by Pisces lord Jupiter; further, the powerful Sun, one step away from exaltation placed with the ascendant lord Venus, lends strength to the ascendant. Thus, a strong ascendant (being aspected by Jupiter) and its lord, again being aspected by the very same planet; here the Sun, the Moon are also receiving the aspect of Jupiter, this unique placement makes all three, the Sun chart, the Moon chart and the ascendant chart powerful. Placement of three planets in the eleventh house is also extremely beneficial. Any girl having this combination can aspire to join the ranks of a successful and beautiful film star, whose reign will last for more than ten years. She will not fade away from the memory of her fans even after her retirement.