Lawn Care 101: How To Mow The Lawn The Right Way

Lawn Care 101: How To Mow The Lawn The Right Way

There are a lot of benefits and advantages of having a lawn. For one, lawns help cut down air and noise pollution. In fact, they reduce sound levels by up to 40% as well as provide better protection against traffic noise. Moreover, lawns help reduces temperature by dissipating heat. Like trees, they also absorb carbon dioxide. It is for these reasons that you must know how to properly take care of your lawn and landscape. Experts in lawn care share some mowing guidelines below:

– Set the lawn mower high. You need to set your lawn mower at the highest preferred setting for the type of grass you have. Cut only the top 1/3 of the grass blade. When the grass is mowed properly, it can grow and support more roots. This will also help develop a deeper root system to find nutrients and water in the soil. Most grass types need your mower set to the highest settings. Some types of grass prefer a middle mower setting and some prefer the lowest mower settings.

– Mow a dry lawn. Before mowing, wait for the lawn to dry. If you cut wet grass, this can result in an uneven cut. Also, wet clippings tend to clog the mower. And if you dump clusters of grass on your yard, it can result in brown spots.

– Vary the mowing pattern. Each time you mow, make sure to cut the grass in a different direction. This way, soil compaction can be avoided. Also, the grass will stand up tall and nice because it will lean in the direction you mow.

– Leave grass clippings. Whenever possible, you must leave grass clippings on your lawn. When grass is mowed at the right height, the clippings will break down fast. And this will contribute essential nutrients like nitrogen to the soil. If you choose to bag grass clippings, compost them or toss them in your garden as mulch. But avoid doing this if you are using any weed control products.

– Always keep the mower blade sharp. Mower blades must be kept sharp for the cleanest cut. Whenever you notice any sign of wear, have it sharpened. Dull blades will tear up the grass, which may result in a grayish-brown colour.

If you do not have enough knowledge and skill to take care of your lawn, get professional lawn care services from a trusted company in your area.