Prophet Muhammad SAW In the Bible

Prophet Muhammad SAW In the Bible

The Islamic Prophet is mentioned in the Holy Bible of Christians.

Very first Question -Why is He mentioned in the Bible?

According to Islamic Beliefs, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.A.W. is the greatest Beloved of God, the best from all creations. God Created Universe and everything for Him and gave Him might over all world. If you cling to Him, you cling to a rope which will never snap. If you deny Him, you are transgressor who burns in hell for always and forever i.e. for eternity. He is alone more beautiful than all other creations.

God loved Him more than everything, God made Him the king of all beings. All beings include all Prophets. All Prophets described Him including Jesus (PBUH). But later their scriptures were corrupted by particular Humans inspired by Devil (Never look at Christianity for Devil, Islam has a very fluent and broader concept of Devil, if you consult Christianity for devil, it will be nonsense for atheists). Still you can find some Predictions of Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.A.W. in the old scriptures such as Bible, Vedas etc. As the Quran states:

“Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him – it is those who will be the successful.”

(Al-Araf 7:157)

So if they believe in the same as you believe in, then they have been [rightly] guided; but if they turn away, they are only in dissension, and Allah will be sufficient for you against them. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

(Al-Baqra 2:137)

Secondly and Most importantly, Where is He mentioned in the Bible

Jesus Christ is telling to His Followers

“I have yet many things to say onto you, but ye cannot bear them now, howbeit, when

HE the Spirit of Truth is come,

HE shall guide you into all truth for

HE shall not speak from HIMself and

HE shall say what He shall be told and

HE shall guide you into rest of the truth

HE shall glorify me”

(JHON 16:12-13)

Eight masculine pronouns like He’s introducing someone..

Christians say its the Holy Ghost. Now let me ask a simple question from them

“When did this spirit of truth come and WHAT THINGS HE TOLD YOU?”

Look at Book of Acts Ch 2, vs 1-47, a Spirit has come but no things new, not at all

When I tell Christians about this verse, they pose the following questions in attempts to defend their religion. Let me answer them.

1. Was Islamic Prophet S.A.W.A.W a Spirit?

Lets see the meaning of Spirit. According to oxford dictionary

“Spirit is the non-physical part of Human body; soul”

Now I say He wasn’t a spirit but He had a spirit. Simply, spirit of Truth is a symbolical word which mean spirit of Muhammad S.A.W.A.W.

The Bible also uses the word “Spirit” for other Humans in Gospel of Jhon 4:2-3.

2. Did He glorify Jesus P.BB.U.H?

Of course yes… He gloried whole universe, indeed whole universe was created for Him. From beginning to eternity, He’ll be glorifying all universe. In particular, He S.A.W.A.W glorified Jesus PBUH by letting Jesus PBUH be a part of His nation, the Muslims. When Jesus PBUH came to know about the virtues of the greatest and final nation, He, fell in extreme love of Prophet S.A.W.A.W, asked God to be a part of it. God answered His prayer and made Him a part of it. That is why He comes back…

3. Why can’t this verse be applied to disciples of Jesus, supposing they later met a spirit?

Because the word disciples is not present in the verse, if you still want to apply it to disciples then

* Apply all Bible to Disciples or

* Sow me word ‘disciples’ in the verse.

Ask me more about the verse, try to defend your religion, I’m ready to answer…

Does this Verse fit to Islamic Prophet S.A.W.A.W?

Of course yes.

1. “Many things.. He shall tell you all truth..”

There are many new things in Islam which are not in Christianity

2. “He shall not speak from himself”

now see the Quran 53:3 “He does not speak from Himself”

Bible speaks about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.A.W in Deuteronomy 18:18

“The Lord said to me, ‘They have spoken well. ‘I will raise up a prophet from among their countrymen like you, and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. It shall come about that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him… “

Christians claim its Jesus Christ but luckily, It doesn’t apply to Jesus (PBUH). This is being spoken by Moses (PBUH) and it is saying ‘like you’.

Now as simple as ever, was Moses (PBUH) like Jesus (PBUH)?

The only similarity in them was that both were Jews but there were many differences like

1. Moses was born naturally and Jesus was born of a virgin.

2. Moses (PBUH) was married, Jesus (PBUH) was unmarried.

3. Moses (PBUH) died a natural death where as Jesus (PBUH died unnaturally according to both Muslims and Christians.

4. Moses (PBUH) will not be raised alive while Jesus (PBUH) will be raised alive.

But Moses (PBUH) was like Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. How?

1. Both were born naturally.

2. Both were married.

3. Both left the world naturally.

4. Both will not be raised alive

Now it obvious that the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18 is no one but Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Does it apply perfectly to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.?

“I will put My words in his mouth”. This was a big issue during His life that Quran is being written by Himself or He is receiving revelations but there is no such thing in Jesus’ Life.

“He will tell them everything I command him.”. This implies He will perfectly teach everything which is parallel to last revelation to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.A.W.

“This day I have Perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.”

(Quran 5:3)

Super Duper Note: Never misunderstand me I’m only 14.75