When The Cock Is Hard, The Brain Is Soft (Yiddish Proverb)

When The Cock Is Hard, The Brain Is Soft (Yiddish Proverb)

Warriors turn into poets, leaders kneel down in front of their wives, and geeks start to use the computer with slow internet.

Finest ladies know this secret. That’s why, men revolve around them like the planets revolve around the sun. They make men utter out the most sweetest words by keeping their brains soft all the time. Their smile, dresses, attitude, and energy transform men into “Yes Mam!” robots.

Some women think that men are sex objects, and there is some weapon hidden inside their pants which work 24/7. Just light up the fire and run for your life.

This is not the complete truth. I partially agree with you, but I won’t blame the men. This is because, men’s priorities are different. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you. They just prefer sex before love. It’s their default psychology. And, that’s where they always make the mistake.

For women, the series goes like this: Smile, Conversation, Feelings, Love, Romance and Sex. Now, of course, this series is brilliant (I am not mad to disagree), but it tortures the patience of a man. It’s like you invite some wrestler inside the ring, and instead of fighting, you teach him how to do salsa-dance.

Don’t Let Him Enter Inside The Ring

If you will, it will be his right to do sex.

Communication, Romance, and Love. Their places are outside of the ring. You can’t introduce these things inside the ring of ‘Sex’. If you will, the situation will be complexed. You won’t get you should watch a movie alone, or shouldn’t watch at all – at night on your bed.

This will puzzle your man too. He won’t get what you actually want. He will be trapped and entered into a coma state.

You always need to give him clear directions, if you want a long term, happy, secure relationship. This will give you two special benefits.

First, he’ll love you for that. Because, he doesn’t know what to do exactly. By clearing the directions, you will relax his feelings, water down his anxiety, and remove the misunderstandings.

Second, you’ll have a chance to check his patience. If he moves right according to your directions, he deserves your love & attention. But, if he doesn’t move in your directions and tries to do sex forcefully, he’s probably not born for you.

When a man truly loves someone, emotions become more valuable to him than sex. Even if you’ll tell him to wait for you for 1000 days, he will. Your wishes will always be his top priorities.

Now, don’t try to check his love for you by forcing him to wear pink slippers and bubble-pattern shirts. This would be totally unfair.

Love Has Stages

I have a friend who always deal with troubles in her relationships. Because of her ego, she was not interested in any kind of advice. According to her, if there is true love, you don’t need any advice or counselling.

On the other hand, I always differed her this mindset. Because, I believed that love has stages. If today you are standing on the beginner stage, then tomorrow you have to move your love towards the intermediate stage, and after that, you have to stand like a champion on the expert stage of love. You definitely need advices, tips, and ideas to keep the love grow in the most beautiful manner.

You can’t keep on standing on the beginner level all your life. You have to upgrade yourself, your lover, and your love – on a constant basis. And for that, you must keep on learning new tricks and tips so that you can not only keep his brain soft but also turn the temporary love into eternal love.

5 Ways

Here are the top 5 ways to keep his brain soft.

(1) Semi-Public Places are the best for romantic/naughty conversations. For example: Museums, Stranger’s Garden, Cinema, Fields, Cruise Boat, and Elevators.

(2) Playful thumb-wrestling. Especially, if he’s your friend, and you want to turn him into your lover. This game is not only safe, it also helps you to stay in his thoughts for a long time.

(3) Sexy Underwears, Short Skirts, Lingeries, and Sexy Makeup are the finest weapons of the finest ladies. These things are designed exclusively for the eyes of men and keep their brains soft all the time.

(4) What’s your signature perfume?

(5) Daily stimulate his no. 1 erogenous zone – his Eyes. You can do this through several ways. For example, playfully dance in front of him, ask him to teach you something, take mischievous photos with him, and show your every expression clearly – Men love your expressions.

What’s Your Seduction Strategy?

I have a friend who says, “If there is no seduction, there is no love.” I feel it’s true. Because, it keeps the brain soft and excite the feelings of love.

Seduction is in every form. It’s in real-time. It’s in pictures. It’s in memories. Cavemen used to draw their love on stones and walls. Kings used to paint the pictures of their queens.

And today, “Husbands keep the pictures of their wives inside their wallets.”

Any girl can seduce a man. It’s easy. But, the thing that matters is your ‘Strategy’. If you will seduce the feelings of your husband every day, he’ll worship you whole life.

Because, when his brain is soft, he doesn’t want to introduce anything negative in the relationship. His brain is slathered by positive, happy feelings. He just wants to enjoy the anthem of love all day, day-to-day.

In the end, I want to say, It was startling for me knowing that, more than 80% of women use sex to make their men assist around the house. This ratio was quite higher, more than my expectations. And I was thinking, if women focus more on their seduction strategy rather focusing on giving sex immediately, the whole game can be easily changed… Instead of worrying about household works, they can live like the “Finest Ladies” of this planet.