Reformers Are Leaders Who Exercise Leadership of the Highest Calibre Which Influence Many Thousands

Reformers Are Leaders Who Exercise Leadership of the Highest Calibre Which Influence Many Thousands

With all that is going on in our world just now we so need what used to be called and can still be called ‘reformers’. Living in Scotland and knowing a little about ‘reformers’ and having studied Reformation History at University in some detail is there not a strident cry and prayer for ‘reformers in these present days?

Having recently been re-visiting the ‘reformers’ and studying one aspect of the Reformation and looking around at the dismal state of various nations is not Reformation almost essential?

A reformer is a leader and he exercises leadership of the highest calibre influencing virtually every area of life.

We hear little about Reformers. We hear about pastors, church planters, praise leaders, youth ministries, but seldom Reformers. Why?

We are told that the literature is little known.

William Tyndale’s New Testament was bought by the British Museum for over £1 million.

The title Reformer has been used with suspicion, as they can be regarded as headstrong individuals who might divide or cause confusion in a congregation or even destroy congregations. That might or might not be the case depending on what is required and necessary.

Zeal is certainly a mark of a Reformer, but not the only one, and zeal without wisdom and love can be a very destructive thing.

A ‘Reformer’ is one who challenges the status quo. It is the act of forming again, or a second or new formation, and he is perhaps engaged in new beginnings or new departures.

We have been taught in the church, to uphold the pattern we have received, and to maintain the institutions, but the reformer can bring about shakings, especially if the New Testament pattern is all but lost.

It was William Tyndale’s New Testament in 1526 which brought the Word of God from the continent to the east coast of Scotland, and it was some of these very early reformers who brought John Knox into Gospel ministry.

William Tyndale, we are informed, was not only interested in translation, but in Reformation. Tyndale was born around 1494, and took his B.A. and M.A. at Oxford.

In these days you had to do 8 or 9 years at University before you studied Theology, and the theology he came across was described as ‘almost dumb, poor, and in rags’.

Tyndale discovered and he wrote ion these terms, that the grace of God sought me and found me, and showed me the truth, so that I bowed the knees of my heart to God that He would show the truth to all other men!

William Tyndale soon had to flee the United Kingdom and most of his significant work was done on the continent of Europe and latterly he was based in Antwerp.

A Reformer is a man who lives by faith in the word of God.

The churches were so dark before the Reformation because the Word of God was not there, and faith that overcomes the world was not known. Worldliness reigns, and is that not true across the western world today and even in many churches?

The only answer is the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ and the preaching and teaching of the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sandy Shaw