The Commie Chronicles – Episode 7

The Commie Chronicles – Episode 7

In any communist country, one of the first things that always happens is ‘reeducation.’ The new ruling party must reeducate the masses. The populace must get behind the new order or else. In the old days, ‘or else’ was a choice between living and dying. In our more civilized world of 2021, the dying part is now finding yourself ‘canceled’ from participating in society. Only in mission-critical cases like Phil Haney or Seth Rich do they physically cancel people.

With much of the coup being driven by the Marxist social divide, we see signs of ‘reeducation’ everywhere. In tiny Northfield, Minnesota, we find small and private Carlton College. A school not for the poor, tuition is $59,000 a year, the faculty has jumped abroad the coup train. One black student demanded change. The Board quickly responded by requiring all college employees to attend segregated anti-racism ‘struggle’ sessions despite the fact there has never been any history of even one racial incident at the college.

The University of Florida is requiring students to take diversity and inclusion training. The students are taught that ‘equity’ is fair while ‘equality’ is unfair. Many other lessons are suggesting white people are the problem. The program contains multiple-choice questions, infographics, and videos. The questions and videos focus on specific examples of insensitive language and interactions between white students and minorities. One of many mind-bending questions asks, “Is it cultural appropriation for a white man to host a ‘Salsa and Sombreros’ theme party? The answer is yes.

At Illinois’ Roosevelt University, Professors bragged on a recent Zoom call about how they indoctrinate students in the Department of Education into the ways of social justice. One said, “I mean, it’s all social justice; all day, every day, I get to talk about the things I love. I’m really living the life over here.” The Prof also teaches elementary school and is a liaison officer for the National Education Association. Communist indoctrination has a life of its own.

The State of California announced a new Ethnic Studies Curriculum required in all state high schools. The new class manual is a whopping 900 pages. It teaches the historic American oppression of blacks, Hispanics, and Asian Americans. It teaches people are divided into oppressors or oppressed, based solely on their skin color and white people have all of the power while non-white people have none of the power; States’ educating’ our children.

Columbia University, one of America’s oldest and most prestigious higher education centers, held graduation back to the future style. Although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits racial discrimination, apparently, it doesn’t apply to the commie school extraordinaire. They began graduation with ceremonies for Native Americans only, followed by the Lavender graduation for the LBGTQ alphabet soup crowd. These were followed by the Latinx graduation for Hispanic students and finally the Black graduation-no mention of when whites and Asians graduate. You see, there is more than one way to reeducate our young people. Drive the wedge deep with a return to segregation and nary a word of protest.

In yet another angle on reeducation, Disney, the original American icon for kids, announced changes to some of its golden oldies. Its iconic kid’s film Dumbo is no more. You see, the music has racial undertones from the days of Jim Crow. Next on the chopping block, my forever favorite Peter Pan. Seems Peter is disrespectful to Native Americans, and the movie depicts cultural appropriation. Lastly, Disney axed The Aristocats. A shocker? Hardly in 2021. Disney says, “The Siamese cat Shun Gon is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth.” They are also taking a look at Swiss Family Robinson and Lady and the Tramp. Don’t you wish this was just a bad dream?

Unfortunately, the reeducation of our young began in earnest 50 years ago. It was subtle but effective. Now their efforts after the coup are out in the open for all to see. And the long march continues while most Americans are walking along together, staring at their phones.

Until next time… watch your back and be wary of the ‘cancel’ birds. You could be next.