Some Facts About BMX Bikes That You Should Know

Some Facts About BMX Bikes That You Should Know

Do you like BMX bikes? If you do, you might know anything about these bikes. But, you will find that reading the following article will give you the addition knowledge about these bikes.

The BMX bikes were known in the early sixties. These bicycles were manufactured by Schwinn. The first type of bike that was manufactured was called as Sting Ray. And the first race of BMX was help in California in 1971.

BMX is the abbreviation of Bicycle Motocross. This is also known as the extreme sport. The tracks used for the BMX bikes racing come in various types such as obstacles with racers vying for the first place. The bikes are also usually used for many things such as extreme games on the ramps and half pipes, dirt tracks racing and recreational purposes that you might have.

Talking about the type of these bikes, you will find that there are three main types of the BMX types. They are racing bikes, freestyle/stunt bikes and jump/dirt bikes. You will; find that each type has its description. The racing bikes are usually lightweight and durable. These types of bike come with knobby tires. These bikes are designed to get around the track in short time or in hurry. You will find that they are also used for the off road riding.

The freestyle /stunt bikes are used to perform the stunts and tricks. For this, the heavy duty tires and the frames are designed for pavement. These types of bicycle also come with the axle pegs for doing the tricks. Meanwhile, the jumper bikes are the crossbreed of the freestyle and racing bikes. They come in knobby tires and solid frame. You will find that they are usually used for jumping and trail riding in the backyard.

Moreover, the BMX bikes come in various sizes. There are at least four sizes of bike that you can choose. They are mini for riders aged 4 up to 6 years old, junior for riders aged 6 to 9 years old, expert for riders aged 9 to 13 years old and pro for riders aged 13 and older. The BMX bikes are very great bikes that are made out of aluminum or chromoly that is cheaper but heavier. Thus, when you are about to purchase BMX bikes, you should make sure that you choose the correct type and the correct size.