Top AdSense Alternatives

Top AdSense Alternatives

Google AdSense is the current leader in content-sensitive web-based marketing. But there is other good programs too. If your account in AdSense has been banned you must choose other program which will give you good revenue I have chosen 5 programs for you, which will be good for your business I have chosen programs because they are more friendly for all kind of web site expect adult and illegal sites.

Clicksor – I was working with this program and I had got good revenue. To take part in this program your site must generate 5.000 page views per day and your site should not be non English and must not contain illegal and adult content. Clicksor supports many ad formats like Inline Text Links, Text Banners, Graphical Banner, Rich Media Banners, Pop-unders, XML Feeds, Layer Ads and Search Box. You can get paid 70% of advertising revenues generated by the website, payments produced by check or Paypal with a minimum payout of $50.

Adbrit – Good publisher program supports good ad formats like Text Ads, Banner Ads, Full Page Ads, InVideo, Inline Ads, BritePic. If you wan to take part in this program your site must not contain adult, illegal, drugs etc content. payout is passable only with checks with optional minimum payout.

CPX Interavtive – This program is one of the most popular, your site must have at least 10,000 unique visitors per month, supports all standard IAB in-page display, Flash, rich media, video pre-roll and text ad units. You receive 60% of the revenue generated by their inventory. Factors that affect how much money you will make center around the amount and quality of your traffic. Payout is passable with check and paypal with minimum $50.

Value Click Media – You earn revenue for each impression, supports in page units and over or between the page units. To take part in this program your site must not contain adult content, sexual content, profane content, illegal drugs or related content and your site must generate 3,000 impressions per month. payout is passable with paypal or check minimum payout is 25$.

Bidvertiser – Does not support adult or illegal content, you earn for each click on ads, BidVertiser supports 5 groups of ads: Banners, Buttons, Inline Ads, Skyscrapers and Free Design. All ads are fully customizable to fit the site’s look & feel. Minimum payout with paypal is 10$ and with check 50$.