How to Make Your Boyfriend Realize He’s Not Treating You Right? Don’t Let This Situation Drag on

How to Make Your Boyfriend Realize He’s Not Treating You Right? Don’t Let This Situation Drag on

Do you feel like screaming “enough is enough!”? If you know that you are being treated like a doormat or a slave, it is time to put your foot down and put a stop to this type of treatment. You need to be respected in your relationship and here are some methods you can implement to make sure he treats you right.

Stop acting like a genie in a bottle

If you have been acting like a slave, giving in to every desire, wish and need then it is no surprise that he has started treating you like one. Don’t let him walk all over you. If he also goes out of his way to please you and grant your every wish, then it is easy to respond in like manner. Let him know that you are not going to behave like a slave any longer.

Play “tit for tat”

If he does not respect you enough, then it is time to make him realize how hurt you feel by making him feel the same. Give him a dose of his own medicine and behave in the same manner. The only thing is that once he starts to resent your behavior you should talk to him and let him know that you too feel hurt and upset when he behaves in the same manner. It will make him realize how bad he has been treating you.

Walk out on him

Though this is a tough and hard decision to take, but sometimes it is the only way to make him sit up and realize that he has lost you due to the way he treats you. Walking out on him will make him mad and angry at first, but soon he will have the time to think about the relationship and the reason for your walking out and he will change!

Tell him plainly

This is one time when you should not keep your lips zipped! If you take all the bullying, disrespect and abuse without opening your mouth – then you are partly to blame. Let him know how much his behavior is hurting you and also let him know that you will not be able to take it any more. This will jolt him into realizing his mistake.

Give him an ultimatum

Sometimes, a man may do what he is doing without really knowing how much it hurts the other person. If you sense that he is ignorant of the effect of his mistreatment of you, then it is time to give him a rude awakening. Enlighten him about his bad behavior and let him know that you will walk out on him if he does not stop!

Be loving and patient with him

Sometimes no matter how a man treats his woman, it is the reaction and love of his woman that makes all the difference. You can browbeat him into changing his ways by your understanding and patience. Your love can be stronger than his insensitivity and selfishness. Make him see the error of his ways and shame him into changing.

Give him less of your time

If your boyfriend is not treating you right then all you got to do is ignore him and start giving some one else your attention. That will make him sit up all right! Don’t let him treat you with disrespect. Shame him by being nice to him in spite of his attitude but stop doing all you did for him. Don’t give him priority and he will regret his behavior.