Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity

After many years of hearing the gospel preached, taught, and listening to both men and women share the word of God; we have to put our faith in action. The purpose of growing in grace and spending time in the presence of the Lord; is strictly for your own spiritual growth as a believer. As Christians we are to mature in our conduct and to serve others; whether they are believers’ or not. In the book of James written by James the Apostle, Jesus’ half-brother, one of his main teaching was maturity and becoming a doer rather than being someone who would be all talk with no works.

He emphasized being available and sharing with others the many gifts and blessings one may have in his or her possession. One concern for certain was being educated with real-life issues and knowing how to respond to different life events. Another concern was being strong within your own spirit to do the right thing; instead of relying on others who could easily persuade or lead you in the wrong direction. He wanted to make sure as Christians that we are strengthened in our faith and not misled from the many distractions we see and hear on a daily basis.

When people struggle in general and it is known to them that you and I are Christians; some will ask us to pray on their behalf. There are many people today who are sick, literally in the physical realm as well as spiritually. Jesus is lord over both. When we pray and ask God to heal us; it is through prayer why our circumstances change. (James 5:13-15). Is anyone suffering… Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church… This text may be pertaining to both physical illnesses and ones spiritual condition. These scriptures are about the spiritual condition of a man’s well-being; making sure he or she remains spiritually strong and not weaken during times of persecution; remaining morally upright and being healthy inside and out.

The entire Word of God is about building relationships’. First, being in fellowship with the One who created everything that exist and then allowing us as human beings to be vessels available to be used by His foreknowledge and His all-sufficient grace. He equips us with the gifts of knowledge and wisdom to not only help ourselves, but to help and be a blessing to others to. The troubles of life and the good times are meant to build character. And secondly, when led by our inner man as we trust in the Lord; we do the right thing for ourselves and others. So, next time when times are troubled or even when things seems to be going well, are you spiritually mature enough to be grateful for them both?

Back in 1970 the song “Reach Out And Touch, Somebody’s Hand.” was written by Ashford & Simpson, and sung by Diana Ross- one of the hooks or main lyrics were “make this world a better place if you can.” We all can reach out and touch lives, let’s do it to help make this world a better place. Be encouraged and continue to remain faithful in what you have been called to do as a believer in Christ Jesus!