Conversation Skills of an Alpha Male

Conversation Skills of an Alpha Male

Alpha males know how to talk and what to talk about. Many people cannot move on beyond the first date is simply because they lack the knowledge to start an interesting and fun conversation. Knowing how to start an exciting conversation is important as it brings down her defenses and reveals more about her to you. Mastering this set of skill will definitely bring you another step FORWARD meeting the dream girl of your LIFE. Let’s not waste any more time and I shall impart to you some tips on how to engage a woman in an interesting and fun conversation…

When you are out on a date with her, remember that you are not her employer and you are not employing her. Many males make the mistake of turning the date into a job interview session. The male starts asking questions regarding her job, family, salary, and her age. The female on the other hand will reply in her head “You are a real boring guy.” The date will be totally ruined and all the attraction that is supposed to be there is all gone.

As I mentioned before, alpha males are leaders. When it comes to conversation, alpha males are leaders too. Hence, be the leader and be the one to lead the conversation. If you think that the conversation is starting to get dried and boring, be the one to make changes. Talk about something fun or do something fun and interesting. Don’t be a beta male who do not dare to make changes.

Eye contact is the next key to making your conversation successful. To be able to make good eye contact with her is extremely important as eye contact is a good indicator of how confident you are. When establishing eye contact, it is advisable that you follow the 70/30 rule. Make eye contact with her 70% of the time. Making eye contact too long just shows that the guy is insecure so don’t overdo your eye contact.

Have fun. This is the next key to having a great conversation. When you are going out with her and talking to her, it is important that you add the fun element into it. Tease her in a funny way, play some small games with her. Ask her what type of ice-cream she love, what her favorite color was. You name it, the bottom line is to have fun. Say NO NO to politics and other boring stuff. Unless you are pretty sure she is really really interested in that political stuff, then don’t even think about politics. It is a really arduous task for you or anyone to make that political stuff to become interesting. Trust me; you don’t even want to try.