Guys Know Right Away If They Like Someone – Why it is Possible and True

Guys Know Right Away If They Like Someone – Why it is Possible and True

Do guys really know right away if they like someone? It depends on the gender of the person and the situation. In order to explore this further, you have to look at how we relate to situations. You can pretty much split our brain right straight down the center of our head. No offense to myself, or you other guys; but to make this as easy to understand as possible, this is the only way to go about it. On one side of a mans’ brain is his visual stimulator. Men are visual, and not just for a woman’s form, but for cars, bikes, and other “guy” things. Then you have the other half of a mans brain. That is where all the man stuff is housed (the logic and reason side). When a man is not thinking about a female, we are using 90% of the man stuff side of his brain, and 10% of the visual side.

When a (straight) man is talking to another man, he is using 100% of the logic/reasoning side of his brain, unless of course the man is standing next to a sweet ride, then he will pull about 10% of his visual into it. Men can pretty quickly tell if they are going to like another guy within a few words spoken between them because of this. They can quickly determine if it would be someone they could consider a friend or a foe, due to common interests, speech, etc; or even their hand-shake. Conversely, when two gay men meet the hormones may take over and that is a whole different article, since the visual may take precedence in that encounter.

On the other hand, when it comes to women, a man uses 90% of the visual side of their brain and 10% of the man stuff side, if that! A guy can get a glimpse of a woman and tell if they are interested in pursuing her further purely based on a physical basis first. At the same time, using the 10% of their logic/reason side of their brain, they can quickly gather in through their own little thought process if they think the female is out of their “league”, and evaluate if they would be shot down quickly if they tried to capture the “game”. The less percentage a man uses of his male stuff part of his brain (logic and reason), the more frequently they will be shot down. In other words, men that use 100% of the visual part of their brain and none of their logic/reason side are the ones that have weak pick-up lines. They can recall on more than one occasion being slapped across the face by a woman, or decked by another man, due to an inappropriate comment they made to a woman.

The 10% of the logic/reason side of a man’s brain he uses when considering approaching a woman, conversely, is the reason most men end up not making that advancement. Just like women, they too fear rejection. Men, through dating experience and exposure develop an individual balance between their visual and logic/reason parts of their brains based on what has worked and not worked for them in the past. An average man, you can bet your house on, is still using 75% of his visual side of his brain and 25% of his logic/reason side when making an initial contact with a woman. Players that have mastered the art of seduction, on the other hand, have mastered a fine balance of the logic reasoning, and developed the perfect amount of charisma, and charm making it possible for their approach to work. The true master player will even know when to make themselves into an actor, appearing clumsy in their game, thereby morphing into a typical man in approach..

Nevertheless, a man cannot distinguish if they like a woman on an emotional level right away in comparison with this knowledge of a man. Part of this lies with the fact that they are using a smaller percentage of their logic reasoning side of their brain when they meet a woman of interest. It is not until later as a man gets to know the female if they actually feel or like her at a deeper level than simple animal attraction. Think about it this way -when a man is meeting one of his friends’ girlfriends, he will be able to tell quicker if he is going to like that woman; since he is using a higher percentage of his logic reason side rather than the visual side. That is why you will hear men talk about their friends, after meeting just once or twice, in a favorable or less favorable way. Therefore, although a man is more physically attracted to a partner initially, that does not necessarily mean that they have a deep liking for the person, and it will take a little time for them to engage the logic reasoning side of their brain to evaluate that particular aspect. This is the reason women should give any new relationship a little time first before getting intimate, and the same reason a man should let both sides of his brain kick in fully before taking that step.