30 Hurtful Things Women Say to the Men They Love

30 Hurtful Things Women Say to the Men They Love

Some of these things may have been said during heated arguments but their effects are always the same. They are destructive to your relationship.

So if you want to make sure that you do not intentionally say things that will hurt your man’s feelings and ultimately tear your love apart, then you have to make sure that you are not saying any of these thirty hateful things to your man:

1. I hate you so much.

2. I don’t even know why we are together.

3. You make me sick.

4. You are nothing but a sperm donor.

5. You are not good for anything.

6. You are not man enough to handle me.

7. Your friend is much better looking than you.

8. You are a loser.

9. You should be ashamed of yourself.

10. You can’t do anything to me.

11. What are you going to do about it.

12. I don’t see any ring on my finger. You don’t own me, so I can come and go as I please.

13. I hate your parents.

14. Give me some space. You are smothering me.

15. I don’t need you any more. You are not doing anything for me.

16. Your friends are doing much better than you.

17. You are so dumb.

18. I get bored easily talking to you.

19. You have nothing to offer me, so bug off.

20. You can’t stop me from spending time with my male friends.

21. You are a big fat slob.

22. Stop being a cry baby.

23. You can’t satisfy me in bed, so what good are you to me.

24. You will never see your kid again.

25. I will make you suffer.

26. Get out of my sight.

27. I pay all the bills in this house. What do you do?

28. It is my house and I can do whatever I please.

29. I can’t stand looking at you. You disgust me.

30. You are not a man. I know a real man when I see him.

Words have the power to mend a relationship or tear it apart. If you care about building a happy and fulfilling romantic relationship with your man, then you have to find a way to start using kinder, gentler words when you talk to him — even when he has done something that made you angry. When it comes to men, words hurt more than a slap in the face.