Two Simple Steps to Overcome Shyness and Fear With Women

Two Simple Steps to Overcome Shyness and Fear With Women

Okay guys, I will be honest with you. It is VERY frustrating when I talk to men who think that fear and shyness with women are things that need to be “worked on”. These are the same dudes who think they need a therapist for 5 years just to get over their fear of heights.

If you want REAL, no bull ways to overcome fear and shyness with women, here they are…

Two Simple Steps To Overcome Fear And Shyness With Women

1. STOP IT!…

What’s the past is the PAST. You cannot change it, you cannot “overcome” it. If they have created a time machine, please let me know.

Forget about your shortcoming with women. Who cares if you got rejected and embarrassed in the past?

It happens to every guy. I have been “rejected” by women before, and my seduction skills are MORE than a little good!

Stop looking at fear and shyness with women as some mountain you must climb. Stop wasting your money on therapists. Just…stop.

2. Have Some Pride…

There is always SOMETHING which you can be proud about. Confidence is simply a matter of what you choose to focus on. The problem with most men is that they focus on all their failures. They think about all the times they lost “the one” they loved or how their friends always get the girls and they don’t.

Focus on your strengths. Get some pride. Be PROUD of the man you are. This one thing will skyrocket your confidence and increase your success EXPONENTIALLY with women AND every other part of your life.

Was that enough tough love for you? I hope it was enough to push you to make some changes in the way you think about yourself. Just man up!