Make Your Ex Want To Be With You Again – Learn How To Remind Your Ex Of The Good Times You Had!

Make Your Ex Want To Be With You Again – Learn How To Remind Your Ex Of The Good Times You Had!

Yes, even though your ex is not talking to you right now, it is very possible to remind him/her of the good times you had and what he/she is missing out on! Do this properly, and you have every chance to make your ex want o be with you again.

Your ex needs time right now to get over the hurt and anger that he/she is feeling after the break up, so give it to your ex. This will not stop you from reminding your ex about all the good things you did together. In fact, you will be getting two things done at the same time. You will be allowing your ex to start feeling better as well as doing something to make your ex want to be with you again.

Forget about your ex for now and concentrate on what you have to do for yourself. You’re going to be using your friends to help you make your ex want to be with you again, although they won’t be aware of it. Don’t mention to them what your plan of action is – keep it to yourself. However, seeing that you will be going out a lot, get yourself looking great again.

Every time you are with your friends and they talk to you about your ex, say only the kind of things that you want your ex to hear. For instance, tell your friends that you still think about your ex all the time – that he/she is the only one for you. Say too that you are going to miss the great things that you used to do together – mention these things in detail.

Mention special places that you are your ex used to like going to, and also little things that you used to say to each other. Talk about specific incidences during your relationship that stand out in your mind. If your ex happened to give you a piece of jewelry as a gift then wear it – all the time.

Whatever you have said to your friends WILL get back to your ex. By this time, your ex will be well over the break up and will probably be missing you by now. This, together with everything your friends are saying will very likely make your ex want to be with you again.