The Dynamics of Praise and Worship

The Dynamics of Praise and Worship

Praise and worship is an expression of the love of God upon the life of men. It is an ancient practice which has evolved over the years with the use of modern instruments unlike those used in the past. Praise and worship makes glad the heart of God and it can practically open doors which have previously been shut against us.

Each time we praise and worship God in spirit and in truth, the Devil become unhappy. He is angry because he remembers his lost opportunity while in heaven. Lucifer was the chief choirmaster in heaven and he had the most sonorous voice ever created, but lost everything due to disobedience. He was consequently stripped of his office and thrown down from heaven.

Secondly, God inhabits the praise and worship of his children. Whenever I am in the presence of God listening to praise and worship, he practically comes into my spirit with awesome manifestations. Ron Kenoly, Cece Winans and Shirley Ceaser are just few of God’s divine apostles bringing the presence of God to homes through the instrumentality of praise and worship.

The power of music can break burdens establish a point of healing for those tormented with varied ailments. When Paul and Silas were placed in prison according to the Bible book of Acts of Apostles, the desire to praise and worship God far outweighed their sorrow and pain. At midnight, it was recorded that they began to adore God and the presence of God consequently destroyed their bands and set the prison doors open. When our songs ascend to his throne of mercy, impossibilities become possibilities.

He loves to hear the praise of our lips and the best we can do to appreciate all he has done for us is to give him all we have. He deserves all our appreciation because he is the source of our existence and life. He is the love of our life and the more we praise him, the nearer he draws to us. It is practically impossible for a believer to stay a day without singing songs of adoration to him.

If given the opportunity, I will not hesitate to give him quality praise and worship, because he means more than this world to me. I would not trade him for silver or gold because he is the hope that I cling to each day I wake up. The deep secrets can be unveiled to an individual as the heart in poured in sincere worship to the one who loves us more than we can ever know.