Molasses Black Strap – the Fountain of Youth

Molasses Black Strap – the Fountain of Youth

Human body maintains its existence through the process of metabolism. The result of metabolic process is energy which supports the cell life and the cell production, and metabolic waste in form of acids. Acids like uric acid, carbonic acid, lactic acid, acetic acid, etc.

Lets reflect on one common fact regarding human body. That fact is, that all our cells are submerged, floating, or taking a bath if you will, in our lymphatic fluids. Human body is about 60% water. What we eat will determine the acidity of that water. Now just by using a common sense try to imagine what happens with 40% of solid matter sitting in the acid. It slowly dissolves.

Not many realize that our life span directly depends on this fact. Faster and stronger dissolving is, shorter the life, simply put.

We’ve been told by western medicine, that our body gets rid of these acids through the process of breathing, through the process of excretion via kidneys and by the way of using human buffering system.

What we haven’t been told is that, when our lymphatic fluids become too acidic, our body’s capacity to push metabolic acids out of the system, is seriously compromised. For example, just a slight drop in body’s pH would result in diminished kidneys excretion ability by 50%.

Human buffering system on the other hand, is just slightly mentioned as something without much of a significance on our health, and with very limited impact.

However, the truth about this is purposely hidden from the public knowledge. Lets take a closer look at this.

Having knowledge that is not more advanced then the basic chemistry, it is very easy to understand that in order to neutralize, or to buffer the acid(s) it takes alkaline mineral(s) to do the job.

I will digress at his point a bit, and I will tell you a story.

In the summer of 2005 my friend and I were at the party organized for her grandfathers 103 birthday. At one point some of the guests started calling out her grandfather Patrick to give a small speech, and if he could, to tell everybody his longevity secret. And he did. He said that the secret was, that in his life he must have eaten more then one tone of black strap molasses.

And nothing. No reaction. Out of hundred something people there, nobody reacted. They were almost yawning. Unbelievable. I’ll come back to that later.

What is black strap molasses?

Black strap molasses is heavy and thick residue that is left after the third boiling of sugar cane syrup. At this point, most of the sugar ( sucrose ) is crystallized and heavy residue left behind is loaded with alkaline minerals. Especially calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium ( natural potassium ) manganese, etc. and the wide array of trace minerals. There is no other food on earth that is richer in minerals then black strap molasses.

It takes exactly these alkaline minerals to buffer the acids, and to dispose off metabolic waste. This is where the life span part comes in to the play again. Richer our body is in alkaline minerals, more it is capable of buffering acids and eliminating them, which equals longer life.

Black strap molasses is used to cure a wide variety of diseases, even the diabetes. Yes, you’ve read right, the diabetes.

I guess now you understand my surprise with poor peoples reaction upon hearing the secret. For me this was the same thing if someone offered you to drink from the fountain of youth, and you’d say, sorry, but I am not thirsty right now.

To buy black strap molasses of top quality from trusted and highly reputable source click here now.

You want to live longer and healthier life? Make sure you consume black strap molasses every day.

Alkalize or die early death.