Alpha Male – the Gift of Missing You Explained!

Alpha Male – the Gift of Missing You Explained!

The power of this technique called “Gift of Missing You” is tremendous. Not much practice is needed to master this skill but this technique is able to amplify her attraction for your ENORMOUSLY. However, much discipline is needed to display this skill. So, if you are ready, let’s get the party started…

The gift of missing you basically means playing hard to get. Playing hard to get seems like a tool used by attractive women on men. When women play hard to get, the man would instantly become more vulnerable to a women’s bidding. The man would call her thousand times a day and saying unnecessary mushy things and buying her tons and tons of gifts. Eventually, the woman feels no attraction at all and rejected the man. I have been through this stage and I believe many of you been through this too.

I understand your agony and anger and now its PAY BACK time! It’s your TURN to play hard to get and get her to be obsessed with YOU! First of all, before you even embark on playing hard to get, you need to first get a life. If you think that you are leading a boring life, do something about it. Find yourself some activities and keep yourself real busy and occupied. At the same time, leave some time for your dates. When you have a life and really enjoyed it, women can instantly tell and wants your attention.

Getting yourself busy and occupied also enhances your conversation skill indirectly. The more activities you got yourself into, the more exciting life stories you accumulate. Telling your exciting life stories to women is one of the best ways to attract women.

Once you get your personal life handled, here’s how you play hard to get.

o Don’t see or meet her more than twice a week.

o Don’t call her more than twice or thrice a week.

o Keep your conversation with her short when you are on a phone.

o Always end the conversation on a high note first.

o Always end the date also on a high note first.

o When she wants to see you, tell her you are busy and see her at a later time on the same day.

o Pretend like you have 100 women calling you everyday.

o Fill your week with different dates instead of just focusing on 1 woman.

The bottom line of the concept behind the gift of missing you is to make yourself as scarce as possible. Scarcity is what makes people feel obsessed. The power of obsession is very powerful, use it wisely and you are on your way to get your dating life handled. Use it the evil way; get ready to meet PSYCHO people. I am just kidding.