How to Make Women Worship You As a "Sex God"

How to Make Women Worship You As a "Sex God"

Does every single date you take out end up wanting much more intimacy in the end? If not, that simply means they do not enjoy your company at all; this could be troublesome.

Women have a lot of passion and tend to have a bigger craving for intimacy compared to men. The big problem is how several men believe they are good in bed before checking if women agree with his assumption.

The majority of the time, no woman will directly tell you the truth; instead, she will show it through her unsatisfied actions. Do not wait for such moments to appear when she has to tell you how unhappy she is with how things are before actually deciding to become better in bed.

Here are some intimate strategies for her to get hooked on the idea of dating you:

1. Increase the anticipation.

It is possible to significantly increase sexual tension merely through simple words and actions. For example, touching her sensitive areas without going any further can increase anticipation. By teasing her yet not fully gratifying her, you can be sure that she will go into action to get more. The minute she has reached that excitement level, you will be golden.

2. Find out her hidden desires.

Each woman like things done in certain ways; this means that there isn’t a single approach that will work in pleasing women during sex. While one may like certain touches, others may not fully like that style. In order to become congruent her wishes, you need to find out the exact areas she likes to be intimately touched and kissed at.

3. Produce a favorable scenario.

Moves should only be made once the comfort and privacy conditions have been satisfied. Without both of these factors, it will be impossible for her to relax and completely let go. The majority of women adore romantic backdrops when making love. It would be your job to ensure that her every need is met before going any further.