Charm a Straight Guy Into Your Gay Pants Fast!

Charm a Straight Guy Into Your Gay Pants Fast!

Ever tried to charm a straight guy only to end up rejected or worse, whacked? The secret lies in the nature of the straight guy, once you have it all figured out, luring him in will not be as painful as you once knew.

Understand that there are straight guys more open and ready for man to man action than others. Single them out and your chances at success instantly go up. Before making your approach, be sure to read his body language and the subtle signals he is sending to determine your chances to charm a straight guy. You may have all the moves but if he is as narrow minded as a ruler, it will certainly get you nowhere.

Do not come off as a meat seeking gay guy, only after his pants. When you focus on the sex, it will be written all over your face, turning him off. Instead, focus on building chemistry, creating good atmosphere, and having great conversation. When you are a general cool guy to hang out with, you can charm a straight man minus the sexual overtones.

Have stone cold confidence that you can do it. When you doubt yourself, you end up ruining everything. Remember that it is the thought and energy you put into your actions that come across. When you are confident, everything you do becomes more natural and less awkward, which in turn helps you make that straight guy you are after more at ease with your company.