How To Achieve Stress RELIEF?

How To Achieve Stress RELIEF?

Although, stress, left, uncontrolled, and without any attempt to effectively, proactively, address, risk, a debilitating set of experiences, and life, few people, seem to pay, nearly, as much attention, to this, as they probably, should! There are a variety of stress management techniques, etc, one might use, both, prescribed, and common sense, behavioral approaches, but, this article, will attempt to comply with my book, Natural Alternatives for Stress Relief, and discuss, only those, non – drug – related, possibilities, and/ or, approaches. After, over four decades of personal involvement, in many activities, related to this concept, from being an executive with a natural products company, to giving around a thousand, personal development/ self – help, seminars/ programs, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Reasoning/ rationale; realistic; right: If/ when, one proceeds, comfortable, within his own self, he minimizes undesirable stresses, etc! Focus on doing what’s right, instead of easiest, and/ or, more convenient! Give yourself, objectively, and introspectively, a true, check – up, from the neck – up, and examine your reasoning, and rationale, and what determines it! Although, proceeding, with a positive, can – do, attitude, is necessary, and productive, it is essential to avoid, doing so, wearing rose – colored glasses!

2. Examine/ efforts/ emphasis: Thoroughly, examine, whether your personal efforts, and emphasis, directly, align, with, providing you, the greatest amount of peace – of – mind, and personal preparation, for life’s obstacles! Those, who perceive an obstacle, as a challenge, to overcome, usually, enjoy, far less – destructive, stresses, than, those, whose emphasis, and focus, is perceiving, problems! How do you prioritize, and place your efforts?

3. Listen; learn; like/ loves: Listen to your inner – voice, and learn, the best course, for you, to follow! Identify, accurately, what, you truly, like/ enjoy, etc, and what your true – loves, might be, and why!

4. Integrity; ideas; ideals; insights; interests: Will you proceed, through, life, with the utmost degree of personal, absolute integrity? How do your personal ideals, align with, and support ideas, which provide you, with personal insights, which assist you in attending – to, your true interests?

5. Excellence; endurance; expectations: Are you willing to demand your utmost degree of genuine excellence, instead of settling for good – enough? Do you have the endurance, to achieve, what many others, will fail to, because of lack of necessary persistence, and self – belief? Are you expectations, realistic, and helpful, towards, providing you, with a better way, to address, and handle, potential, undesirable stresses, and tensions?

6. Face facts; future; freedom; furnish; fruition: Be honest, with yourself, so you can, objectively, proactively, face the facts, and focus on your best – possible, future! If, you seek, a degree of freedom, from being controlled by your fears, then you must, proceed, to furnish, the best – path, forward, and take it, to fruition!

If you seek, meaningful, personal, stress RELIEF, you must realize, it’s up, to you! Will you do your part, in achieving this?