Challenges Faced By the Praise and Worship Leader

Challenges Faced By the Praise and Worship Leader

Being a new praise and worship leader can be one of the scariest ministries in the church. It is not so much whether you can sing or play, but the very fact that you have to lead your congregation to a deep relationship and experience of the Lord can be a scary thing. Doing this with a group of talented and gifted people can also make becoming a new praise and worship leader terrifying!

Challenge Number One

Every church ministry has its challenges, but becoming a praise leader is one of the most public areas of the church. This means that everything you do, sing and say is in front of the people who know you best, your strengths and your weaknesses, and the end product of your ministry is one of the most controversial in the church.

The first major challenge for a leader is the fact that you are public, because if you make mistakes, everybody knows!

Challenge Number Two

The second challenge is that you are working with a group of talented, gifted and often very sensitive individuals. Being a leader is first and foremost about leading, leading your congregation in worship but also leading your team.

Most often the praise and worship leader faces a team who are more talented in music than they are, and this is indeed a challenge! However, you must remember that your calling is to lead, not play and sing and be a star! Leading a group of individuals who are sensitive to criticism, aggressive in their opinions and sometimes full of pride need leadership skills to bring the best out in them.

Honesty, dignity and firm love is required by the leader. They must be firm but kind, available always and often they become a counsellor as well as a worshipper. Being a praise and worship leader is about leading your team with the heart of a pastor.

The Third Challenge

The third challenge you face is leading people close to the Lord. It sounds easy, but any praise leader will tell you it is not that easy! You need to keep your heart right before the Lord, your spirit gentle and open and you need to take chances and put the people before your own musical tastes and desires.

In short, you have to serve with humility, and you have to serve the Lord, His people and your pastor.

The challenges for a praise and worship leader are great, but with a humble heart, the right training and sensitive leadership you can rise to the challenge. If God calls you to this ministry, rejoice and start training because with the right attitude and a little bit of learning I believe you can become a great praise and worship leader!