A Morphological Study of Raysheeth – The First World Age

A Morphological Study of Raysheeth – The First World Age

Morphology is the study of the various forms of things in general. The subject of study for this exercise is the Hebrew word Raysheeth. We will analyze the Hebrew Scriptures word for word in order to locate each individual instance a word is cited and how it is used in the sentence. An analysis of the Lexicon of the various Biblical Translations for Raysheeth is necessary to truly ground this argument in Scripture. Up to and until the advent of computers this task would have taken years but is far from impossible. We can perform these tasks in seconds using Hebrew Bible Software like E-Sword™. A computerized search of the Hebrew text for Raysheeth instantaneously returns 28 verses. Raysheeth is translated as the Chief, first in order, first in rank, first fruits, etc.

The LORD possessed me in the beginning (Raysheeth) of his way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth. KJV – Proverbs 8:22-26

The Lord possessed this entity in Raysheeth, before the creation of the dinosaurs. “In the beginning,” is not Buh-Raysheeth as in Genesis 1:1, it is simply Raysheeth. The author of Proverbs indicates his Spirit was born before the Cataclysm of “Raysheeth.” This reference stands out from the rest and quite possibly makes inference to a prehistoric, pre-cataclysmic, First Organic Creation Period on planet Earth. When was “the beginning of his way” and what are these “works of old?” One of those works was the Dinosaurs. The Hebrew Traditional Bias renders this verse limited in its ability to convey certain key concepts that exist in the Hebrew. We translate it for a new Generation, removing the Bias and translating the text as written to the best of our ability given what we know about Raysheeth.

The Self-Existent created me before the pressing of Raysheeth. Before his exploits at that time, I was concealed, my head anointed, East of Earth. The Abyss had not agitated, no gushing of grievous water. Before the mountains had yet to be drowned over the surface of the hills, I was brought forth in the pain of labor.

Proverbs 8:22-25

The new translation of the Hebrew text allows us to see that Raysheeth refers to a moment in historical time. The word “beginning” evokes the concept of the point in time when time began. Here it is clear that there was a time before Raysheeth. Many will argue that this verse speaks to the deluge, but the Earth was completely covered by water after the destruction of the Dinosaurs. The concept of Dinosaurs does not exist in the Judeo Christian Tradition as handed down. This is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for Judeo-Christianity as the Biblical argument lacks the supporting scriptural evidence. For thousands of years they have not had to deal with this fact. Archeologists have to dig deep into the Earth’s crust to find Dinosaurs. The Truth Seeker needs only to remove one layer of language to discover what lies beneath the English in order to behold the Behemoth from The Book of Job.