Review of Alpha Man Conversation and Persuasion by Carlos Xuma

Review of Alpha Man Conversation and Persuasion by Carlos Xuma

Does this sound like you? You are looking for ways to improve your conversational ability around women, but have no idea where to start because most of the stuff you read on the internet is garbage and full of generic things that sound great in theory but have no substance in reality?

I know I was sick of a lot of the “advice” I got from doing online research.

That is why when I first of Alpha Man Conversation and Persuasion I was a bit skeptical. I mean, this guy reckons he can teach you how to become more of a man? That really is something if he can actually pull it off.

So I got a hold of the product and had a look to see what was inside. I’m glad I did. It was a good thing I kept an open mind and got over the fact that there’s some guy who I’ve never met before who is going to tutor me through a series of audio programs how to become more of an Alpha Man…

I must admit, I did feel like less of a man for a while, but I think in the end it was worth it!

This course, Alpha Man Conversation And Persuasion is actually created by one of the leading dating experts around, Carlos Xuma. The focus of the product is to help you become more of an alpha man when you talk to women and to improve your conversational skills around women in general.

In the very complete course (over 14 CDs worth of quality content plus two great high quality bonuses) Carlos talks about a variety of topics specifically designed for men out there who want to improve their conversational skills with women. So what will you learn from Alpha Man Conversation And Persuasion? Well, You’ll learn:

– Basics of Inner Game

– Basic and Advanced Conversational Skills

– How To hold Conversations with Women

– Some great NLP Persuasion methods

– How to cold read and build rapport

– How to deal with difficult assholes

– Verbal self defense

– How to be funny when you talk

– How to hold power conversations

– Exercises for you to engage in to improve your skills

Alpha Man Conversation and Persuasion is great for men who want to improve their life skills. It is VERY complete and doesn’t just help you with your dating life. No it aims to make you a better person in general so that you’re just going to be cooler all around! I mean, who doesn’t want to be cooler! Right? Haha

Just be wary, it’s not for everyone. Especially lazy people looking for a quick fix. This is not it. You’ll have to actually listen to hours of audio and implement the things that Carlos talks about. It’s time consuming if you’re not prepared to do it!

If you want to find out more, I have a full review of the product here check out: Alpha Man Conversation and Persuasion Reviews