How to STOP the War on Police

How to STOP the War on Police

As a crime prevention specialist, I’ve worked with citizens and police for 39 years. Today, I’m getting questions about my experiences with police.

I was teaching residents how to protect themselves and their neighbors from crime. After one meeting, an officer shoved me into a wall. He was angry and made it clear, I had “invaded” his beat. The next morning, I was in the police chief’s office and the problem was quickly resolved. That was the only unfortunate experience I had in thirty-nine years working with police.

The “war on police” is a dangerous trend and must stop or American cities will continue to suffer!

Men and women join local police departments to “protect and serve.” The vast majority of individuals are dismissed if they don’t have a positive mental attitude, have a good education and want to help the community.

Gun violence cost taxpayers $229 billion a year. Criminals don’t care about the community and often spread lies in an effort to turn the community against police. They pay neighbor’s bills and bring gifts to build their network of protection as a shield from police. Their only interest is to continue selling drugs, pimping young women, robbing and stealing. Gangs don’t want police to disrupt their “business.” They control neighborhoods through fear and intimidation, which creates stress and mental health problems. Unchecked criminal activity keeps law-abiding citizens behind locked doors, as they buy guns for protection. Criminals feel no threat as they rake in their profits, mark their territory with graffiti and gain a misguided sense of power.

The vast majority of citizens want to live in peace with their neighbors and keep their children safe. The national average is 2.4 police officers for every 1000 citizens. Police alone CANNOT protect you from crime, drugs and violence. It is up to all of us to assume responsibility for our own neighborhood safety.

So… who is the biggest threat to community safety?

It is destructive and costly when politicians and city leaders blame police. If something isn’t working in our cities, it is up to city leaders to address issues immediately. To blame the police is scapegoating. The role of the police is to react to crime! The role of city leaders is to assume responsibility to prevent community problems. If citizens are fearful, trained coordinators need to help neighbors work together to stop criminal activities. When fear is reduced, people can create a strong sense of community for their children.

Community participation must to be top priority if we are going to keep America safe. I suggest you look at what city leaders can do to keep cities safe. These are proven methods with many success stories!

Check out the, “Safe Neighborhoods Program for City Leaders” in Resource Box below for more information.

Americans must speak up, work together and talk to local politicians and community leaders about what they are doing to help stop the “war on police” and how they plan to bring the community together.