Psychology of Attraction – Why Looks Don’t Matter

Psychology of Attraction – Why Looks Don’t Matter

I have confirmed this psychology of attraction theory many times when approaching girls in bars and clubs. At first I was really surprised with my findings. They completely changed how I thought about attraction. I used to think that women only get attracted to good-looking tall men with lots of money. I have found out that though those are attractive qualities; there are several ways to get AMAZING attraction results if you don’t possess those attributes.

The psychology of attraction for men is simple: Men base their attraction for women based on looks. Women are totally different. Their attraction is based mainly on the way a man acts. His character is much more important than his looks. I have a friend that is 5’5”, chubby, and balding. He works as a waiter. Despite this, you wouldn’t believe the quality of girls these guys date. I’m talking super hotties (8s and 9s on the looks scale).

They way he does it is by possessing an alpha male character. The way he acts compensates for anything that they he lacks in the looks department. Alpha males are the leaders of the group that are confident and act boldly. My friend gets quality women because he is confident, persistent, and is not intimidated by beautiful women.

Women react way more to your actions than your looks or your money. This seems like a crazy concept, but it’s true. I’ve personally seen it many times with my clients and friends. The psychology of attraction for women is geared toward men that are alpha males. Guys that are confident, go for what they want, have a strong will, and boundaries possess most of the alpha male characteristics. The hard part is developing those alpha characteristics. This is a process that takes some time. It takes a lot of dedication as well. Don’t let that discourage you: You CAN learn to become an alpha male.

A great resource for developing alpha male traits is John Alexander’s book Become an Alpha Male. It has the basic conceptual framework, as well as specific techniques and exercises that I’ve found highly helpful to both me, and my clients (I work as a dating coach).

As a last word of advice, the most important character trait you need to have is persistence. Persistence will allow you to succeed in understanding the psychology of attraction.