Carlos Xuma Review

Carlos Xuma Review

In this short Carlos Xuma review, I’ll review the well known dating guru Carlos Xuma. He’s the man behind such products as: Secrets of the Alpha Man, Alpha Masculinity, The Dating Black Book, The Bad Boy Formula and many more seduction and self-development programs.

When I first heard of Carlos a few years back I wasn’t sure if he was the real deal or not… His stuff sounded good, but I wasn’t sure if it would really help me get better with women and become more of an alpha male or not. I had already read a number of ebooks which had promised to help me attract women with my alphaness, but they had mostly been a disappointment.

I got the sense however that there was just something different about him, so I got a copy of his Dating Blackbook and decided to give it quick read through.

What I discovered was that Carlos Xuma’s theories and methods are a very good match for me personally. I’m not a big fan of a lot of the “pick-up artist” reading material that you can find all over the internet. Carlos’ stuff is different in many ways.

For one thing, Carlos Xuma seems much more normal and relaxed than a lot of other PUAs. He doesn’t tell you to dress up in a feather boa and go out and “neg” girls at clubs or anything like that! Instead, Carlos has guys focus on building strong “alpha” inner-game and then use that to attract women. This is in my opinion a much more authentic approach, and I have found it to be highly effective!

Also, Carlos Xumas teachings are extremely well organized. Unlike some ebooks I’ve read that seem like a bunch of crap slapped together by some amateur, Carlos presents clear and usable strategies for attracting women and developing into the most powerful alpha version of yourself.

He even breaks his teachings down into 4 basic elements of game it’s called “R.E.A.L. Game” and it stands for R=Relaxed and Resourceful E = Effective and Energized A = Authentic and Alpha and L = Lifestyle and Lasting.

So, the bottom line here is that Carlos Xuma’s products are much better than average and highly recommended!