Sometimes, God Needs Help Too, That Is An Apparent Reality

Sometimes, God Needs Help Too, That Is An Apparent Reality

“God, to have created a crazy, messy world like this, needs help, self-help and everything that God can get!” At least that was what I was saying to myself and feeling this morning as I got angry at life itself. With that, I begin this article. Sure, we need some help dealing with this reality (some get it, some do not), but sometimes I wonder if God needs even more help dealing with the reality that God deals with which is the universe and everything. When I think of God, though, I do not think of some perfect being “somewhere out there”, I think of a consciousness that is more harried and worried than we are dealing with existence and everything. So, I truly start this article with one question: Where is the sanity?

Having felt this consciousness of God and the Devil via the realities explained in the sequel to the Napoleon Hill work “Think and Grow Rich” called “Outwitting The Devil”, the sanity is how we deal with life personally as the reflections and creations of God in reality. Sure, I could come up with “better sounding” answers. What good would that do, though, except to increase confusion, frustration and try our patience with reality even more? It would do nothing except raise more questions, increase frustrations and bring things to the breaking point. So, I will bring it all down for myself as well as you in this article, down to earth: If our problems are big and our solutions just as taxing, the problems and solutions of God must be the size of God, and the solutions of God just as big if you get what I am saying here. Case in point: If Jesus Christ was sent two thousand years ago as a solution and the problems are still being worked on thousands of years later, and so many millennia of years after that. Imagine this: If reality is hard for us, it must be harder for “big beings” like God and the Devil, and it will take a lot of time and evolution of reality for us humans and God and the Devil to solve those problems. Also, there are not any “minute” problems for any being. All problems are big, especially when we think they are not. Why do you think the Devil or Satan lies, and says things like “I have the easy way out.”? God said it in the Bible, generation after generation “working on it all” in the hard way, for millennia after millennia in the Old and New Testaments, people begetting people and slowly working at it all generation after generation, up to now and even more after that.

So, I finally say this: There is not any easy way except to work through it, evolve through it and work at it. That is it. The only way out is through, and there is not any genuine cheating either. All “deals with the devil” cost more anyway, so make your genuine inner Covenant with God to genuinely work is what I advise.