Doing Affirmations – The Power of Being a Doer

Doing Affirmations – The Power of Being a Doer

There are many who want to be, there are many more who are going to one day, but sadly there are very few are doing right now. The Bible says it is not hearers of the word only but the doers of the word that receive the rewards and that pretty much applies to all aspects of life.

There are plenty of side-line experts but very few who get out there and actually do it. There are many of us who know what to do, who have studied various subjects until we know everything about it yet very few of us actually do.

There is true power in the doing. An affirmation card is a great idea but it is useless if it sits in the glove box of your car unread. I heard stories of people from all backgrounds in life using affirmations to meet challenges. I read of a traveling salesman full of nerves reading positive affirmations he had on cards before getting out of the car to go sell. By doing affirmations he was able to conquer his fears and make sales.

It can be as simple as reading one affirmation every morning to remind yourself that there is more out there then what there inside your own negative thinking. Doing affirmations can be like a tonic that improves your situation. James tells us to be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving ourselves. It is easy to deceive ourselves but that can all turn around if we start doing.

If you look up the word doer in the Bible concordance it can mean: a maker, a producer, author, a doer, performer and a poet.

By doing affirmations you are the producer and the author of your outcomes. The meanings of doer are all action words, take action and you will see results. A doer means to be a maker, by doing you make it happen. Don’t just sit on the sidelines and read about how it works for everyone else but get in there yourself and be a performer.

By the very meanings above you can say be doing affirmations you make them work however the if you don’t do them then they are just empty words that will have no effect in your life. So in what crowd do you stand with today? Are you in the want to bes? Are you with the going tos? Or are you now a doer?