Tap Into the Power of Jesus

Tap Into the Power of Jesus

Why do people worship a celebrity? What is it about an entertainer, athlete, government official or corporate figurehead that people will seek after them and “worship” them and what they represent? Is it that we are looking for someone who can lead us out of the pains of our life and give us joy? Are we hoping that by being in their presence we might get some (monetary) gift from them or become successful like them? Maybe we are hoping they will offer us a good paying job or the opportunity to work with them in what they are doing. What can any other human do for you that is as lasting as what Jesus has already done for you?

In Matthew 21:9-11; Mark 11:9-11; Luke 19: 37-44; John 12:13, 19, Jesus continues His inaugural journey into Jerusalem in a manner of a King coming into His Kingdom. He is fulfilling a prophecy from the Old Testament. The crowds greet Him while the Pharisees try to silence this worship. What is this POWER that Jesus has over people? Why are they following and worshiping Him?

People Recognize Jesus’ PowerMatthew 21:9; Mark 11:9-10; Luke 19:37-38; John 12:13

Jesus has come down from the Mount of Olives into the Kidron Valley and is now ascending to the gates of Jerusalem. The crowds that followed Him out of Bethany and down the hill are increasing and their praise is getting louder. Some lead the way with palm branches while others follow with praise. They clearly are declaring Him as their King. It is a joyful event. What are they seeking? What are they expecting from Jesus? Do they expect Him to relieve them from the Roman oppression? (How about them being relieved from the oppression of their sin?)

Even today, people are hungry for strong leadership and it can be hard to find. The Pharisees try to control the people, as do the Priests, but they meet with more resistance than cooperation. Most people don’t want to be controlled, but guided. Jesus’ leadership is far above and beyond what anyone else could ever do. The people do not resist Him, but seek Him out as their King because they believe that He has the power that is needed to make their lives better. Is there any reason why you should not seek to worship Him as much as these people do? How much do you recognize and seek the power of Jesus?

No One Controls JesusLuke 19:34-40; John 12:19

The Pharisees are not wrong in trying to get Jesus to silence the crowd because if Jesus is not who He claims to be, this worship would be wrong. However, Jesus is God’s Son, the King of the Jews and the people are right in acknowledging Him as Lord and Messiah. Jesus is so great and His power is so strong that even the stones would worship Him if the crowd did not.

No matter whom you are or what you do, there are going to be people who are going to oppose you. If you do evil things, your opponents will be the police and law abiding citizens. If you proclaim the Gospel, your opposition will come from those who hate Jesus, hate Christians and/or are totally ignorant to the grace of God’s salvation and the love He has for them. It is important for us to examine ourselves to see that we are truly on God’s side and not among those who are hindering the advancement of the Gospel of salvation. Are you truly promoting Jesus or are you trying to force your version of religion on others? Jesus is in control, not you or me, and we must constantly examine our motives to see that we are in harmony with Him.

Jesus Doesn’t Like to See SinLuke 19:41-44

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. It is late in the day, so He only makes a brief comment before leaving. His words are words of sadness because He sees the sin that they do not see. He desires to bring them to repentance, but they are not willing to acknowledge their sin and the need for a Savior. Since they can’t see what they are doing to themselves, they do not see that they are going to be responsible for destroying Jerusalem. Their sin will fall back on them and the city will be totally torn down and destroyed.

Sin is rebellion against God. When we sin, it hurts us and it hurts those around us who are impacted by our lives. Although these Jews don’t realize it yet, Jesus came to die for our sins. He knows how destructive sin is. When you engage in activities or thoughts that you know are not pleasing to God, you hurt Him because He loves you and He wants His best for you. You also hurt others around you who are affected by your selfishness. The problem is that sin hinders God’s work in your life. If you love Him, repentance and avoiding sin is of the greatest importance.

Jesus Affects His Surroundings Matthew 21:10-11; Mark 11:11

Jesus’ affect on the city is that everyone in town is feeling the power of His presence. Though many may not be where they can see Him, they are aware of His presence. The entire city is stirred by His presence. It seems that some still do not know who He is, but they are feeling His presence just as much as everyone else.

Have you ever noticed a “change” in the ambiance when you enter a church or place where a Christian event is coming or in progress? This is the Holy Spirit’s covering that goes wherever the Gospel goes. It has a power that only Jesus can give. The presence of a church in the neighborhood lessens crime, builds stronger marriages, blesses those who come and worship. Are you bringing the presence of Jesus into your home, workplace and surroundings or are you hiding it lest someone else find out that you are a Christian?

God bless you and have a great week!