Do Exercise Resistance Bands Really Work?

Do Exercise Resistance Bands Really Work?

More and more people are hearing about the wonderful body sculpting and cardio assisting benefits provided by elastics. Yet as many intelligent folks are committed to really digging down and getting to the truth, the question arises quite often. Do exercise resistance bands really work?

The truth is, not too many pieces of fitness equipment offer the same kind of versatility as exercise resistance bands. Dumbells come close, but even they have their limitations, as they don’t offer any horizontal resistance whatsoever. In other words, if you want to sprint with something pulling back on you, dumbells are totally worthless.

There are many reasons why exercise resistance bands are becoming the hottest new trend in fitness. They’re safer, more portable, more versatile, and quite a bit cheaper than many other pieces of equipment on the market.

However, one big drawback they’ve possessed is limited resistance. Many times, people who were at a high level of fitness would criticize the bands, saying they just didn’t give them the desired burn and that they just couldn’t achieve maximum benefit the same way they could with weighted equipment.

Fortunately, new design concepts have recently hit the market that allow for much greater results. These design concepts utilize rings and clamps to adjust the number of bands being used, and thereby increasing the resistance up to a level that even professional football players can benefit from.

In fact, wide receiver Terrell Owens now uses exercise resistance bands as his primary source of strength training. And that’s a pretty ripped dude!

Ultimately, the reasonable price tag coupled with all of the other benefits far outweighs any cons, of which I can honestly find none in the first place. I believe the new surge in popularity to be well justified.