A Proven System for Becoming a College Basketball Coach

A Proven System for Becoming a College Basketball Coach

The popularity of college basketball has increased the interest in coaching on the collegiate sidelines. The competition for these jobs is intense because of the small number of openings. With only 320 Division I schools in NCAA basketball, only those coaches with a proven game plan have a chance. These assistant coaching positions are as coveted as any in the sporting world. Many young coaches watch college action and dream of someday roaming the sideline and coaching against U.C.L.A., Indiana, or North Carolina. By following an proven system, any driven coach can get involved in jobs they never dreamed possible. “How is that possible?” you say. Read on and you will discover a system that can make your dreams come true.

The most asked question I receive is, “How do I go about becoming a college coach?” In this article I will introduce a framework for coaches who dream of breaking into the world of N.C.A.A. College basketball. The system I will unfold is a unique, proven approach to joining one of the most elite groups in all of sport. Any coach who learns this system and puts forth relentless amounts of energy will find success. Fortunately, you too can become a college basketball coach.

This system is based on my involvement in the careers of over 100 coaches who have attained coaching positions in college. Each of these coaches began with a dream. Their dream became a purposeful goal. Their goal was strengthened with actions steps and a total commitment to my proven system. This system has not worked for everyone, but it became the path to a college coaching dream for over 100 coaches. As this group of coaches’ move on to bigger and better head and assistant coaching positions, the success of this system is validated. Regardless of age or experience, every coach can use this system to their benefit.

This is an introductory look at becoming a college coach. In subsequent articles, I will delve deeper into each of the factors that make up my system. These 5 components will provide a “big picture” for chasing the coaching dream of your life.

1. Make a total commitment to become a college basketball coach.

Without commitment, accomplishing your goal is only a dream.

2. Secure a mentor who can guide you through the system.

Learn from others who have become college coaches.

3. Understand and work the system.

This will be made available to you through me and my web site.

4. Stay relentlessly focused on your goal.

Keep your eye on the goal, persevere over time, and learn to properly handle rejection.

5. Dream—Plan—Work–Work–Work.