Celebrating the Success of Others Helps You Achieve Greater Success

Celebrating the Success of Others Helps You Achieve Greater Success

When it comes to success, many people have it one sided; they would love for you to do well… but in reality not THAT WELL. Once people surpass a level of success that you feel is superior to your own level of success, you may feel that tingle of jealousy and rage at one time, or maybe even hatred for that person. This comes from a psychological survival program that has been around throughout the ages; specifically throughout the tribal days where people lived in a community of 30 to 60 people at most, for most of their lives!

There is also a program that causes men to have “weak knees” for women. That program arose when a woman denied the sexual advance of a man, and many times the alpha male would kill the man who was rejected! So, you see today, 99.9999999% of the time when a man is denied a date from a woman, someone isn’t going to come kill them; therefore the program is out-dated! Jealously use to be useful for survival in such tribal periods by triggering people to fight against their competitors in order to survive; however, in today’s thriving society it is no longer needed to become jealous and fight those who are doing better than us because there is plenty of room for everyone to succeed. So, jealousy is an unnecessary dog-eat-dog program in today’s abundant world, and in order to be successful in today’s abundant world you need to remove jealousy and actually praise the success of others in order to succeed.

So, when you can accept others’ successes you will find that your subconscious starts to change the program inside your mind and you will not be so resistant to success, and thus you are more likely to succeed!

Why is this so absolutely important to start telling yourself it’s okay to celebrate the success of others? Resistance is what Law of Attraction guru’s call “Blocks”; blocks are forms of your subconscious sabotaging your conscious plans and ideas. All of the reasons you can think of to prove that others’ success will impede on you and your success will become true! But once you can view this as false and KNOW that this is a ever growing universe and others’ success will no hurt you, you will succeed further; in the end it really is helpful to you when your around people who are succeeding. Look at it like this, the more people you know and hang around that are successful, the greater the chances you will also be successful in life. If you take your five closes friends that you hang out with, get their yearly income and divide it by 5, you will realize that the number you get will be close to what your making right now!

Do everything you have to to start filling your head with abundance, and celebrating others will be easy because you know by celebrating them, you tell yourself it’s okay for you to be successful! When we praise the success of others, we affirm to ourselves that we want success too; we connect the joyous feeling of praise with the act of success.

The subconscious mind is the key to all of the wealth you will ever need in your life; do not take these lessons lightly they are the means to unlock your potential. You’ve been programed by histories of people before you and the civilization, culture, and family that you grew up to know! If your family believed that riches we’re only created by evil men, you’ll have a subconscious/conscious belief that to be rich you must have screwed someone over. But is this true? Absolutely not! So you see how your subconscious will fight with the idea of being rich if it’s telling you that you have to be evil, but that is just something you can not do?

Eliminate all the bullshit by unlocking your subconscious mind, find any and all reasons to celebrate others NOW!