Book Review – Mission: Success!

Book Review – Mission: Success!

Og Mandino is a storyteller. His stories and books are about overcoming self-doubt and gaining self-confidence and self-esteem. Many times we are faced with the same dilemna as his characters (which include himself). We have to take those challenges head-on. Just like his other books including,”The Greatest Salesman In The World”, or “A Better Way to Live”, he shows us scrolls or books that we can (and should) read in order to “wash our brains”. He does this in the book,”Mission: Success!”.

The story occurs during World War II. Similar to his other books, there seems to be an overlay on personal life stories and fictional account. In this story, you will learn about the Seeds of Success. Success is not an accident rather it is a purposeful event. In Chapter 18, you will find the Seeds of Success. It is a mantra that is about being thankful for your opportunities from God. Then, you need to forget past failures or events. Today is a new day to expand and produce your seeds to greatness.

As the story unfolds, we are capable of creating miracles every day when we change our beliefs and mind into success ideals and principles. This is possible through people and books.

Also, there is a common denominator among those who succeed. They all have “friends in higher places”. They have connections. Most people would then complain and say that people succeed because they had an unfair advantage over others because they had connections. They would be telling the truth. But, they are not telling the whole truth. The other part of success that they will overlook is that anyone has those same connections. Anyone can have those “friends in higher places”.

Who are those “friends in higher in places”? These are the people throughout the ages who will help you pull through travesties and tribulations and become victorious and successful. How could you tap into those “friends in higher places”? Just like anyone else who has succeeded in the past, present, and even future- through books. Not just any books but books that uplift your spirit and feeds your mind with success principles. Biographies of great people who did great things such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Anne Frank, Napoleon Hill, Booker T Washington, to name a few. Also, there are success books such as “Think and Grow Rich”, that anyone can and should read.

“Mission: Success!” is about you deciding to embark on your personal mission to succeed.