In The Mind

In The Mind

All is mind, everything is a matrix. As soon as we all realize that, all life is more controllable and works in a more realistic way. Indeed, fatalism and fear is always a weakness, but, I am not going to say do not be careful with your life or overly cavalier with your life, either. Thought and action are one in the same when done right, and they seem separate when done wrong. I gave a lot of thought to that statement.

In my personal philosophy, I am not a fatalist or fearful, but I do think about things in a careful and realistic way that does not jibe with a “normal” mentality sometimes. In short, I think for myself and take nothing for granted.

For example, I cross streets carefully usually even when I do have the traffic light on my side. Or these: I almost always think before I leap, and bless a situation before I get into it. Some may consider that “unnecessary hesitation”, but I consider it a necessary step in everything I do, right down to understanding fully what I am doing and why I am doing it.

The mind is a funny device as well as a being in itself: If you leap without thinking, anything could happen. If you think with reasonable caution, things are usually intelligently predictable in that reality comes down to what we genuinely make of it most of the time through our intentions.

This article may be opaque and strange to some, and understandable to others, but let it be known here that my personal philosophy is a form of fully integrated understanding with rational, realistic action in tow. What opposes me is that philosophy that does not believe in prayer, “come what may” and looking without leaping, and foolhardy courage without investing at least a little thought into the action. Indeed, the mind is what we program it to be if we do take the care and work to genuinely and productively program it. God and the devil may be in the details, but personal realities are determined with our thoughts, actions, and understanding.

In this matrix we call reality, we either consciously and fully control, or are controlled by circumstances, luck, reality, and what is outside of us. Let your locus of control be inside, not outside if you are anything like me. If you want to decipher reality and think, start here. If you want a reality that happens to you, forget this message.