The Taos Hum Mysterious Low Frequency Humming Noise

The Taos Hum Mysterious Low Frequency Humming Noise

Residents in Great Britain and parts of the South Western United States have subsisted in complaining about a infuriating hum that at this moment continues to persist. Furthermore, research workers have been powerless to determine its origin. Not all individuals can hear the low pitched hum, in addition to those who say that it appears simulated in nature.

In 1977, a UK newspaper received almost 800 correspondences from persons complaining of loss of sleep, light headness, shortness of breath, sore heads, uneasiness, grouchiness, worsening health, incapability to read or study on account of the continuous hum. Most well known in the United States is the “Taos Hum”. Over there the nuisance was so serious for the “hearers” in Taos, United States, that they coordinated and called upon Congress to look into the issue and assist them in determining the origins of the sound. No definitive sources were uncovered however, one widespread supposition contains that the hum is produced by a military communications device used to liaise with submarines.

The majority of hearers speak about the sound which begins quickly, never decreases, hampers sleep and is additionally evident inside a household or motor vehicle rather than externally. Some characterize it as sounding similar to a diesel engine idling, in the distance. Given that it has not been substantiated by microphones or very low frequency antennae, its origin and nature are nevertheless an enigma.

1997 saw Congress guide researchers and commentators from some of the most esteemed investigation institutions in the country to look into a curious low frequency “Taos Hum” heard by inhabitants around and nearby the tiny town of Taos, New Mexico. For years those who had overheard the sound, frequently characterized by them as a “hum”, had been looking for solutions. No one was certain when it started, but its continuation guided initially a handful of participants and then subsequently many of those who heard it (‘hearers’) to come together.

The research Congress called upon included a line up of around 12 researchers from a quantity of scientific organizations. Joe Mullins of the Academy of New Mexico and Horace Poteet of Sandia National Labs composed the team’s concluding account. Additional New Mexico investigation associations participating comprised Phillips Air Force Research lab and the Los Alamos National Research lab. Apprehension by hearers that the hum might have been produced by the Department of Defense guaranteed that the inquiry was managed in the open and that a sizable quantity of individuals was contacted.

The initial objective of the investigatory team was to open dialogue with the hearers with a view to try and decide the disposition of the hum, the noise it caused, its frequency, scheduling and the effects on those who perceived it. Following this the team intended to survey inhabitants of Taos and the neighboring districts to decide how broadly placed the hum was present. Eventually, the team was to try to isolate and decide the source of the noise. Significant to their attempt was the group’s obvious benefit in deciding the source of the occurrence, rather than examining the noise’s existence. There was a widely evident comprehension by the researchers that something was occurring, but precisely what it appeared to be challenged interpretation.

The primary inquiry concentrated on 10 hearers and decided upon definite crucial details surrounding the noise. It was persevering, it was listened to by just a tiny quantity of individuals and the noise was very low on the frequency range ­ amongst 30 and 80Hz. There was variety in how various hearers detected the noise and some heard a noise the likes of the low reverberating engine of a lorry while other people perceived a steadier, pulsating, although still low noise. Interestingly, the researchers learned that the noise was not limited to the region around Taos, but was, in reality, listened to at various locations around the state in addition to around the world.

Hearers characterized the growing difficulties they were having with the noise. Consistent with the stories and grievances that had conveyed the problem to Congress in the first place, hearers specified the noise as a source not only of aggravation, but also of light headness, sleeplessness or sleep interference, constraint on the ears, pains in the head and nosebleeds. The hearers were additionally disturbed by the troubling nature of its subsistence, it did not appear like a normal occurrence to them.

According to the Taos Hum Inquiry Informal Report published on the 23rd August 1993 , the majority of hearers at the beginning experienced the noise with an sudden commencement, as if some appliance were simply turned on. Several of the hearers inferred there was an association among the noise, the military units in and close by New Mexico, plus that the hum was by some means produced by the United States Navy’s Extremely Low Frequency locations in the Northerly region of Michigan. These suggestions caused a non-military presence on the inquiry team.

Following studying 10 hearers the group which now included James Kelly, a hearing examination scientist with the Institute of New Mexico’s Health Sciences Centre, began an extensive inspection of the Taos locals. Their examination of 1,440 inhabitants guided the team to surmise that approximately 2% of the Taos inhabitants were hearers. In view of this large quantity of hearers, early examination of an origin for the noise focused upon extraneous opportunities for the generation of the low frequency noise. Whilst there were outlying occurrences of hearing inside the low frequency range acknowledged by the hearers, these assessments displayed no coherent background sound which may well have accounted for the noise. As Mullins and Kelly deduced, there were ‘no known acoustical signs that might explain the noise, neither are there any seismic occurrences that might describe it.’

Having dismissed extraneous origins the team concentrated on examining hearers’ inner ears and on analysing frequency responsiveness. Whilst these studies are not concluded, it looks most improbable that the noise is generated by low frequency tinnitus like some have contemplated. Mullins and Kelly are further likely to support that hearers have developed a particular responsiveness to noises in the 20 to 100Hz radius and therefore, are aiming their inquiry toward compiling an insight to how the ear senses low frequency activity.

Whilst this work may improve the answer to the persevering problem of the noise’s source, Dr. Nick Begich and Patrick Flanagan, have investigated a further prospect. Dr. Nick Begich holds some engaging ideas in Mullins’ own remarks that might infer another origin for the hearers’ unequaled sensitivity and, conceivably in the long term, an outcome to their near exhausting misfortune. To encourage the prospects of his inquiry Mullins has indicated that, like a society, ‘we are steadily building up the background of electronic noise and we are moving progressively to cordless and or wireless belongings ­ all electromagnetic transmitters. If that is the cause of the noise, we do not understand, but we cannot write it off.’

Begich speculates that the source of the noise may be discovered inside this electromagnetic background accumulation.

He upholds that there is an appliance for the transduction of tone which might explain the noise. The crucial information may be concealed in a technology discovered by Dr. Patrick Flanagan. Neurophonic sound technologies were advanced and established on an realization of noise conveyance using distinctive ‘hearing’ pathways to the mind. Average noise evaluating and symptomatic apparatus would be unproductive in detecting the ‘sounds’ origins.

Patrick Flanagan’s Neurophone, conceived when Flanagan was Fourteen, is a low voltage, intense frequency, amplitude modulated radio oscillator. In clearer terms, the Neurophone acts on the skin of the hearer by transforming ‘modified radio waves into a neural modulated signal that bypasses the eighth cranial hearing neuron and communicates information immediately into the investigation cores of the mind. ‘In other words, the Neurophone permits the hearer to ‘listen’ without having to exercise the ear channel or the bones and nerves we ordinarily contemplate with hearing.

Flanagan’s license was certified following a 6 year battle with the patent office concluding in a assessment of the appliance on a hearing impaired patent office worker. The display persuaded the patent tester that the Neurophone operated, in spite of it appearing to run in the face of conventional concepts, of how we perceive noise. The novel idea with the Neurophone is that we utilise the skin itself as the neural transmitter.

This idea is in fact rather easy. When in a woman’s womb, a fetus’s skin functions as the principal sensory receptive. Starting from this evolves the eyes, nose and ears. Whilst the ears specialize in listening, Flanagan identified that the skin is also an organ. As a result, if a path could be established to transfer data through the skin to the mind, then data could be instantly imparted to the mind, circumventing the ears.

The Neurophone inserted radio waves between two tiny electrodes positioned on the skin and primarily used existing neural tracts to instantly access the mind. Flanagan and Begich theorize that the Neurophone could be pulsated at the frequencies acknowledged by those hearers questioned by Mullins and the investigatory group. If the noise was caused by ambient electromagnetic areas then the Neurophone technology may possibly be used to appease it. Whilst Mullins is examining the ear canal and our human listening devices, Flanagan and Begich conceive that the solution is further likely to be established through the tracts demonstrated by the Neurophone, which avoid the ear completely.

Evidence of whether or not their hypothesis is accurate is reliant upon examination of hearers. If Begich and Flanagan are accurate, the Neurophonic technology and what has been widely read about hearing may successfully be used to diminish the distress of hearers as the pursuit for the origin of the noise continues unabated.