Speed Reading Vs Skimming

Speed Reading Vs Skimming

“What is the difference between skimming and speed reading?” It is important to be able to distinguish between the two. If you don’t understand the difference, you’ll never learn how to speed read properly.

Skimming and speed reading are vastly different things, but for some reason, they are often listed as synonyms. Skimming is something you likely already know how to do; you quickly and lightly go over a text without paying too much attention to detail, just so that you can get a general idea of the text.

Speed reading, on the other hand, is a much more complicated process. Speed reading can be described as “absorbing text.” This is a good way of putting it, because speed reading isn’t the same as regular reading. It involves using different parts of the brain, and taking in the text in a different way.

For example, if you want to speed read something, then the proper way to do so involves multiple steps. If you just launch into the reading, you may find yourself unprepared for the material. To speed read most efficiently, the first step is to eliminate all distractions. It doesn’t matter whether or not you THINK something will affect you – chances are, if there is anything that can come between you and the text, it will.

So Step 1 is to get rid of as many distractions as you can.

Step 2, is to get as comfortable as you can. This can be considered part of Step 1, because discomfort is distracting.

Step 3 is to set up the book so that it is against something solid. The steadier the better. Unsteadiness (among other things) is why “subway-reading” and bus-reading” don’t work.

Step 4 is to identify exactly what you want to get from the book. If you don’t specify a good reason to read the text, you won’t be able to focus very well.

Step 5 is to SKIM THROUGH the text. Skimming is just an element of speed reading. Skimming through will prepare you for the text in a couple of ways:

a) you may be able to find words you don’t know, which you should look up in a dictionary before you continue.

b) you may get a general idea of what the text will cover.

c) you may become sub-consciously prepared for some important concepts and keywords from the topic.

Notice I used the words “you may” instead of “you will”. Skimming through the text doesn’t guarantee any specific thing. But generally, skimming will help your comprehension in some way.

Finally, Step 6 is to actually speed-read. Thanks to the preparation steps, your comprehension will be maximized.