Peer Loans: How to Borrow the Money You Need at a Rate You Can Afford

Peer Loans: How to Borrow the Money You Need at a Rate You Can Afford

The gradual growth of peer lending, also known as peer-to-peer or P2P lending, has created a new investment opportunity for investors seeking funds at a lower rate of interest.

P2P lending is the financial lending institute that lends money to individuals or businesses through online services that connect investors and borrowers. With peer lending’s transformed banking system investments are more rewarding with affordable credit. They provide services with a lower cost than other traditional bank lending programs and forward it to the borrowers in the form of lower and decent interest rates.

How to qualify for the loan

Borrowing money through peer lending requires that you fill out an application online. They also need soft inquiries on your credit report, but this will not have any negative impact on your credit score. After getting an approval your interest rate will be chosen, depending on amount of the loan, loan term, credit score, credit usage and history.

How it Benefits the borrowers

Easy Application: Applications to get a loan through peer lending is quite smooth and easy, just get access to a computer, fill out the paperwork and you may get approval within minutes. Next is to wait for your loan to be funded. It doesn’t matter what your credit score is or the risk of the business, it is just the way P2P lending companies operate.

Interest rate: This is the biggest benefit that gets investors drawn to peer-to-peer lending: they offer a lower interest rate, better than banks interest. Based on the term selected for each individual client, the interest rate can go as low as 7% for their best clients. Borrowers that have been approved will be offered different loan return times ranging from one, two, three or five years.

Fast Funding: Funding of a loan is pretty fast, it can take a week to three weeks depending on the amount of the loan. A small loan amount can be funded in less than a week. Amount of funds that can be loaned out has even risen over the time peer lending has started. A substantial amount of loans can now be borrowed to fund your investments ranging from $1000 to $300,000.

How it Benefits the Lenders

Higher interest return: Depending on the loan type and the term you choose for your client, return rate can be as high as 10% to 13% which is certainly very attractive.

Lender chooses: peer-to-peer lending provides the lender the choice of stating his conditions to the borrowers. Lenders can provide the interest rates as a function of the risk associated with the loans, other terms include the credit score, identification verification, etcetera. Lenders have the chance to select the borrowers that match the provided preferences.

Peer-to-peer lending has really proved to be of great benefit to both the lender and the borrower. Also peer lending has gained popularity in some countries over the decade. With the frowned upon conditions of the traditional lending institute, peer loans have been a bail-out fund for so many people.