Goal Setting – Enlist Support – Tips from a Life Coach

Goal Setting – Enlist Support – Tips from a Life Coach

There is no way to effectively set and achieve your most inspiring goal without the support of either a book, periodical, newsletter, friend, group, mentor or a life coach. I recommend a combination of these so you will have information, new perspectives, encouragement, and accountability whenever you need it.

“Perfect as the wing of a bird may be, it will never enable the bird to fly if unsupported by the air.” Ivan Pavlov, Russian physiologist (1849 – 1936)

It is really important, even with a great tool like the Fast Forward Challenge, that you also have the support you need to achieve your goals, so let’s go over the 5 Levels of Fast Forward Challenge Support.

Read a Book, Periodical or Newsletter.

Whatever you want to do, acquire or become has a book, magazine or newsletter written on it. If you can not find something on your specific goal there are strategy books that can be applied to your goal. Newsletters provide on-going support and motivation from a specialist.

Get a Buddy.

Maybe there is a friend who would like to do the same thing that you are. Great! The buddy system is often beneficial, but one word of warning. If your buddy drops out, you must not. Anytime you use the buddy system for support, make sure you also have a backup support system.

Join a Group.

With a group you have instant support; you are less likely to be the only one at the end. A group provides you with more ideas, options and a variety of support.

Find a Mentor.

Who is already successful at what you want to do or be? A mentor can send you off in the direction that worked for them and steer you clear of the pit they fell in on their path to achievement. In a mentor relationship it is important to take their suggestions, advice and ideas then fit the information to your situation and values.

Hire a Life Coach.

A coach can greatly increase the impact of the learning that resulted from both the success and the obstacles experienced during the process of setting and achieving inspiring goals. A life coach may not have done what you are out to do, but we specialize in helping people meet their goals.